Thursday, June 27, 2024

Andy Pierce Riddick 💙

Oh friends, we are just so humbled and grateful to share that sweet Andy Pierce Riddick joined our family on June 19th, 2024. We can’t believe we have a little BOY on our hands!!
He came 13 days after his due date and although he took a long time to come, when he came, he came fast! We are so grateful for a healthy little boy and just feel so honored that the Lord entrusted us with his little life. 
We named him Andy, which means manly, strong and brave, and Pierce, named after his incredibly faithful Daddy whose name means rock. We pray he grows to be a Godly man and a strong rock who seeks first the Kingdom of God. We love him so much already and are so thankful for the blessing he already is to our little family! 
June 19th, 2024 will always hold such a special place in our hearts. I am so thankful for Pierce, and I am so thankful to the Lord for a healthy and natural labor and delivery. The Lord taught us so much in waiting for this little one to come, and we will forever be grateful for those lessons and for our faith deepening in the process. 
This little BOY was the biggest surprise to both of us, and our hearts are just so full. We feel honored that the Lord would choose us to have a son in our family! 
Precious little Jane has been truly in heaven loving on this real life baby doll... 
The night before he was born, she sang this precious song while I was putting her to bed... I grabbed my phone and caught the last of it and knew it would be forever a moment we would treasure. She had been waiting so patiently and was so excited the baby was coming "really soon." 
And she's been loving on him since we brought him home... ❤️
Pierce videoed this sweet and most precious moment of Jane meeting Andy the morning after he was born, and we will forever treasure this moment in time!! 
Cue all the tears... 🥰💕💙 We've been so proud of her and have loved watching her become a big sister!! 
This little one was 8lb 5.5oz, 20.75 inches long when he was born and every bit a gift from the Lord. 
We can’t wait to watch you grow into the boy and man the Lord created you to be, Andy!
We truly just feel so blessed and thankful for this little family of FOUR, for little Andy, and for the Lord's graciousness and kindness to us in so many ways. 

I’ll be back soon with lots more snapshots, blessings, and moments to frame, but for now, we are loving these first few days of this new season. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your prayers, support, encouragement, kind words and messages. This space has truly become such a blessing to us. Thanks for celebrating with us in welcoming little Andy! 💙🥰🙏🏼 

With so much love and gratefulness,
❤️Tab (and Pierce, Jane and Andy☺️) 


  1. Oh my goodness. I have been waiting and looking daily for this post. He is precious and beautiful. I love the name you have selected and my heart melted at the expression on Jane's face when she got to hold him. God is so good! You and Pierce are raising a God-centered family and it shows in all you do. Congratulations!

    1. Oh Kerry!! Thank you for your kind and encouraging words!! ❤️ We feel so blessed that God entrusted us with his little life. Thanks for following along with our little family and thanks as always for your encouragement!!! So, so thankful!!

  2. Seriously SMITTEN! Those stinking videos of Jane with him "he's smilin'!!!!" and her big smile. Gosh, I'm SO happy for you guys!!! Cannot wait to see/hear more and to see as our boys grow up close in age. Love following along with your sweet family. Thinking of you in your healing and rest in this new season!

    1. Thanks SO much Alisha!! Hahaha Jane is just as obsessed today as she was then 🥰💕💙 Yes!! So sweet to think about watching these boys grow up - it's already happening so fast!!! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement in this season!!!

  3. Oh, Tabitha! What a beautiful baby boy and I love his name! And Jane! Oh, I'm just in tears watching these sweet videos. The little "Come Soon" song, their first meeting, the hugs and more hugs, and the high five. Sniff sniff. God is so good! Just so incredibly happy for you all!! Love watching your precious family grow.

    1. Alinda, thank you for your sweet and kind words and encouragement! I have tears every time I watch those too. ❤️❤️❤️ God really is so good! We just feel so blessed. Thank you again!! Hope you and your family have had a wonderful and restful summer!!

  4. Congratulations!! He is precious! I hope that adjustment is going so well! Did you have a home birth? It all looks so calm and lovely!

    1. Thank you so much, Suzanne!! It's been a sweet few weeks for sure. And we actually had him at a sweet Birth Center here in Nashville - it was a blessing to us for sure!! 💙

  5. Oh Tabs!!! Joey and I are so thrilled for you guys!!! Congratulations!! Jane looks like she is already the best big sister! We actually just had a little girl (Penny Joanne) on May 28th! Love and miss you guys!

    1. Oh Jessica!!!!!!!! WHAT! Congratulations on sweet Penny Joanne!!!! 💕💕💕 Oh I hope we get to see you guys and your sweet growing family at some point!!! We love you all and miss you guys too!!! Congratulations again!!


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!