Thursday, June 27, 2024

Andy Pierce Riddick 💙

Oh friends, we are just so humbled and grateful to share that sweet Andy Pierce Riddick joined our family on June 19th, 2024. We can’t believe we have a little BOY on our hands!!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Riddick Family of Three ❤️

My goodness, I don't even know how we even got here... Our last few days as a family of three...

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Frame This Moment - Summer Pool Days 💦🍉☀️

Happy, happy Thursday!!! And Frame This Moment Day!! One of my very favorite days of the week just taking a minute to frame a moment in time and try to remember the little and ordinary things that oftentimes get overlooked. It's become one of my very favorite little practices and today's Frame This Moment is a special one from this past weekend... 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What's Up Wednesday [May 2024]

Happy Wednesday!! I hope everyone had such a great Memorial Day Weekend!! We sure loved the time we got to spend with family!! I thought today I would share a few of our favorites from the past few weeks and a little of what's been going on in the Riddick Family during the month of May. Hope this month has been full of many blessings for you as well!! 

Here's a little look at ours... 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Louisville Bound

Happy Friday!!! We are headed up to my parents' house this weekend for one last little getaway before this second little one comes!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Frame This Moment - "Big Sister Class"

Happy Thursday!!! I love to just take a little time in the middle of the week to "frame a moment" as a little snapshot to remember the little things in life... This one is a sweet one from this past weekend with little Jane. 💕

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Spring/Summer Crafts ☀️🎨

Happy Middle of May!!! Today I thought it would be fun to share a few Spring/Summer Crafts that Jane and I have had so much fun making!!  

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May Goals

Happy Tuesday!!! I can't believe we are already over half way through this sweet month!! Today I thought it would be fun to post a few goals for this month and take a look back on April's goals too!!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Favorites - Snapshots, Birthdays, and Small Group

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! We are so glad it's the weekend over here and are so looking forward a few days of rest and a fun grill-out on Sunday with our small group as we kick-off summer. Today I just have a few favorites from the week over here - mainly just a few snapshots from all of our favorite little events that have happened. I hope you're finding lots of simple joys in your days as well!! Here are a few of ours!! 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Frame This Moment - Thank You Notes

Happy Thursday!!! And a little moment in time to frame day!! Today's was from a week or two ago when Pierce snapped these one morning when he was working from home. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Snapshots from Destin 2024

Well in honor of Pierce's birthday last week, I thought it would be a perfect time to share a few snapshots from our time in Destin to celebrate!! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Weekend of Celebrations

Happy Tuesday!!! We had a fun, full weekend over here celebrating so many milestones, and I thought today I would share a few snapshots from this sweet weekend!! 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Happy Birthday to Pierce!!!

 It's May 9th and one of our very favorite days celebrating one of our very favorite people!!! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Let's Look - Summer Staples

Ah Happy Wednesday friends!! Today I thought it would be fun to jump on board with the Let's Look Blog link-up and share some Summer Staples around here!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Life Lately 5.7.24

Happy Tuesday!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend and start to the week!! May is a busy month for us over here and this week is no exception, but we are looking forward to all that's on our calendar! Today I thought I would just share a few snapshots from our Life Lately. It's been busy, fun and full and here are just a few little snapshots from our days recently! 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Favorites - Road Trips, New Books, and Summer Favorites

Happy, happy FRIDAY!!! Aww I hope everyone has had such a great week - it's been a great one over here and we are so looking forward to the weekend as well!! May weekends just always feel a bit more fun and full of summer, so we're hoping to soak in as much as we can in these few days (and weekends!) this month!! I hope yours are full to the brim too with many blessings!! Here are just a few of our simple joys and favorites from the week!! 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Frame This Moment - Destin Sunset

HAPPY THURSDAY!! It's the best day of the week in the best month! And Pierce and I just got back from one of the best little places. This little snapshot was the perfect Frame This Moment from this past week... 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy May!!!

Happy MAY 1st!!! We are back from the beach and goodness, I cannot believe we are already here!! I really do LOVE the month of the May!!!! 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Riddicks are Beach Bound!

HAPPY FRIDAY!! Pierce and I are off this morning to celebrate his 30th and the end of this little season before Baby #2! 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Frame This Moment - Daddy Home for Lunch

Happy THURSDAY! And Frame This Moment Day!!! Today I just have a little snapshot from our week of oftentimes our favorite part of the day!! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What's Up Wednesday [April 2024]

Happy Wednesday!! I thought today I would jump in to the blog link-up this month for recapping a little of what we've been up to this April... It's been a busy one, but a really fun one! And I hope some of these little snapshots are fun to get a little glimpse into our past few weeks!! I hope you've been having a great April as well and have been finding lots of simple joys and small blessings in your days this month!!

Here's just a little look at what the Riddicks have been up to around here... 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April Goals

Well, here we are in the last week of April, and I am just getting to sharing my April Goals. It's been a busy, but fun month over here, and I thought it would be better late than never to share a few goals from this past month and a look back at March's too!! 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday Favorites - Evenings Outside, Azaleas Blooming, and Birmingham Friends

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Aww we are so looking forward to the weekend over here... We don't have any plans on our calendar besides our sweet small group on Sunday, so we are looking forward to lots of family time and hopefully enjoying a little sunshine as well!! Today I just have a few snapshots and simple joys from the week! I hope your week has been full of sweet blessings too!! Here are a few of ours! 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Frame This Moment - Back on Samford's Campus

Happy Thursday!!! And Frame This Moment Day!! Today I just have a few little snapshots from being back on such a sweet campus almost 10 years later... 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

This and That

Happy Wednesday!!! I just have a little of this and a little of that for your Wednesday morning mainly having to do with many different routines and systems around here... 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Jane's "Big Girl" Room

My goodness friends, today is a big day because I am sharing a project that has been on-going for quite some time around here... Jane's new little room!!! 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Friday Favorites - Birthday Breakfasts, Solar Eclipses, and Simple Mornings

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's been a sweet week of celebrations over here, but we are looking forward to the weekend!! We have a little road trip on the books for later today and are excited to head to one of our favorite little cities!! Jane and I made yesterday our cleaning day, so we are off to pack and enjoy this sunny weekend!! I just have a few little favorites for your Friday! I hope you've been finding simple joys in your days as well!! Here are a few favorites from ours! 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Frame This Moment - Birthday Tea Set

Aww Happy Thursday!!! Today's Frame This Moment just couldn't be any sweeter - on Jane's birthday, we surprised her with a little tea set and to say she was thrilled would be an understatement. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Let's Look - Daily Quiet Time and Prayer

Oh, I love this topic so so much and knew I had to jump on board for today's Let's Look! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Jane's "Tea for Two" Birthday Party 🌷🫖

Happy TUESDAY!! Awww we had the sweetest weekend over here celebrating little Jane, and I thought it would be fun to share a few pictures from her little birthday party on Saturday. We had family and a few close friends and neighbors over, and Jane is still talking about all the fun and excitement from that morning. It was definitely a special one!! 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Jane is TWO!!!

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y  
T O  S W E E T  J A N E  A R B E L ! ! !

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Frame This Moment - Easter Snapshot

Happy, Happy Thursday!!! We love Thursdays and especially love a Thursday before a fun weekend!! Tomorrow Jane turns TWO, and I can't even believe it!! But today I just have a little moment to frame that we snapped Easter morning.