Well, one of my all-time favorite blog posts to read is "A Day in the Life." I'm not really sure why I love it so much, but it is so intriguing to me. I LOVE learning about other people's lives, routines, marriages, families, homes, etc... So, just incase there's anyone else out there like that...this post is for you haha!
Before we begin, I should preface...our life has already looked so different in many seasons. And to be honest, I wish I had documented our other seasons' Day in the Life...well, I'm sure it's probably documented on my millions of pictures on my phone (Pierce would probably say, "You aren't kidding...millions!" bahaha), but I don't have a specific place to remember what those sweet days looked like, so I hope this will be fun for us to look back on one day too. Also, this is just one Monday in our world. Some Mondays look different for us because we only have small group every other week and other days look different because I only tutor Monday and Wednesday and oftentimes back to back, we only work out M, W, F, so, you get the idea, but this is what March 22nd, 2021 looked like for us...here we go!