Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Three Things - September 2024

Happy Tuesday!!! Today I thought it would be fun to do a little "Three Things" post - just sharing three random and fun things about the four of us!! We are in the midst of a fun and busy week this week - lots on our calendar from our small group starting back up, extra tutoring, family coming through town, the start date to a sweet women's Bible Study I'm joining for the fall, and lots and lots of laundry and packing for our very favorite beach trip with my family next week!! But today, here are just a few random and fun things that's going on these days with these Riddicks!!
For Sweet Little Jane... 
1. She still absolutely loves her baby doll (as you can tell in the picture haha). She loves to get her baby anytime we have Baby Andy too. She is also very into tea parties, books, and "cooking food"...that pretty much sums up all that she likes to play with around here. 

2. She is also at this sweet little age that she is asking, "What is this called?" for SO many things, and it always makes me smile!! Her little vocabulary is growinggg like crazy, and I love having a front row seat for it!!

3. She LOVES loves loves going outside after nap to play and ride bikes with her neighbors... We live on truly the sweetest cul-de-sac and she has friends next door and two houses down and sweet almost adopted grandparents across the street - it's definitely a favorite part of her every day!! And all of the parents are SO looking forward to the cooler weather that fall is bringing as we spend so many hours outside each afternoon!! 

For Baby Andy... 
1. Well, this little one is SO happy and his smiles and laughs are truly contagious!! We love doing everything and anything to make him laugh, but honestly, most of the time it only takes a little smile in his direction hahaha 

2. He is getting close, close, close to rolling over!! In fact, a few people from our small group thought they might have witnessed it on Sunday...but I'm choosing to think he hasn't quite done it yet 😉 We are all cheering him on though!!

3. For the second week in a row now, he has slept through the whole church service in my carrier... I'm not sure if Jane ever slept through a service even as a newborn haha! She LOVES people and activities and if there is anything going on around here, she wants to be there for it... Andy is making us think he might be a tiny bit more introverted than his big sister haha 🤗

For Pierce...
1. Goodness, he is just the BEST dad. When Pierce comes home from work, it really is like a breath of fresh air for all three of us!! He plays with Andy and Jane, truly basically takes over in the kitchen (in the best way!!), and just brings so much refreshment to all of us at the end of a busy day!!! 

2. He is serving in a few different leadership roles for our church this year, and I couldn't be more proud of him. He loves his people well, and Jane, Andy and I are lucky to get to see it lived out every day. I know so many have been so blessed by his friendship and leadership this year as well!

3. He is a reader and is currently on book #14 this year... He made a goal to read 24 books in 2024, so he's working his way through!! It's a favorite of ours to spend a few minutes reading each night, and I love that Jane is following right along with her love for reading too!!

And for myself... 
1. Well, I'm definitely still learning the rhythms with two at home and some days seem to feel longer and busier (and crazier 😉) than others, but there's been so many sweet days too! I definitely feel like we are making strides to having some more seamless days, and I feel so very blessed to be able to spend my days with them!!

2. I still am loving tutoring. It's a bit trickier to schedule with two littles in the mix, but Pierce has been a big help and we've made it work, and I am so thankful! I never would have imagined that when I prayed for one student to tutor in math at the beginning of 2018, it would lead to something I still love doing almost seven years later. Such a blessing!! 

3. One of my favorite little routines right now is spending a little time with Pierce at the end of the night after Jane and Andy are asleep. We have been loving Simple Mills' almond flour brownies, with a little bowl of ice-cream and a round or two of Sequence. It's a simple little ending to the day, but one I've come to love very much in this new and fun season.

And there are just a few little fun and random things about us recently!! Thanks for following along in this journey of ours!! I hope everyone has the very best Tuesday! I will plan to be back here on Thursday!!

 Sending lots of love!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun to watch your little family grow. I love how you enjoy the simple pleasures of life and embrace all of the day to day life.


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