Happy Wednesday!! I love jumping on board to these little Let's Look blog link-ups when I can, and today I loved the topic of "resetting on Sundays" for the week...
This has changed so much in our six and a half years of marriage...just different seasons coming and going, different jobs, different priorities, a newborn, then two kids, etc... So, I'll just list a few that come tomind first that are usually part of our "Sundays."
1. Looking at the week...
Pierce and I share our apple calendar on our phones and pretty much everything lives there. From his work meetings to my tutoring sessions, family visits, church events, friends over, appointments and everything in-between. It's a quick glance to see what is coming up and if I need his help at all during the days or need to find a little time here or there for things. It's helpful to get a gage at what our week is going to look like...
2. Meal "Planning"
Which brings to me to our meals/dinners.. I wrote a post on how we started doing some meal "planning" a few years ago here, and we have used this little app more times I can even count. We've been out of routine for a bit, but if we are on top of things, we'll pick five or six meals on Friday or Saturday and move them to the top of our little app so we both have them on our phones and can easily see them/reference them if we need throughout the week... Which goes hand and hand with the next one...
3. Grocery Pick-Up / Fridge Clean-out
Usually we'll "uncheck" the ingredients that we know we need and set-up a Kroger pick-up order for the way home on Sunday with all of our groceries for the week. Whole Foods is on the way home for us from church, so we will usually swing by Whole Foods, pick-up Kroger and then I happen to just LOVE a good fridge clean-out, so if time allows (with babies napping and our small group over for lunch every other Sunday), I'll clean out our fridge and put away the groceries. Nothing quite makes me feel set-up for the week than this right here (even if it doesn't happen every week for us right now.)
4. List for the Week
I'm a list girl through and through... I always have been and probably always will be, although my list-taking and making and "checking-off" changes as my season does, it is just always helpful to me to see things written out. So, if I'm on top of it on a Sunday, it's always helpful to me to make a little list for the week of things that are on my mind - errands to run, emails to send, returns to make, little goals I have, appointments on the calendar...the list goes on 😉 but I love having it all in one place.
When Jane was little, I started using my Reminders app a lot to break down my things, but when Andy was really little and my days felt a little thinner, I would just make a big list on a piece of paper and started categorizing it a bit (with color) so I could see at a quick glance if I would be out running errands or had a few minutes around the house, and that has been a pretty good system for my days currently. Perhaps list-making and all of it's different seasons should be a separate blog post idea one day haha
5. Tidy/Clean/Prep
And lastly, I love just a little Sunday night (or Pierce would say every night 😉😂) tidy of our home, especially our downstairs. We have our small group over twice a month on Sundays, so it's always good to just put away our extra chairs, clean up the toys a bit, reset our living room a bit, and just get everything ready for the week.
Jane started a little Mother's Day Out most Mondays this year, so we also get her little backpack ready and make her lunch now most Sunday nights as well. We just try to have as much prepped and out and done on Sundays as we can to make the week run a little smoother...
But really, if you searched "Sundays" on our iPhone pictures from the past few years, you would find...
...a whole lot of church, a whole lot of small group, a whole lot of groceries and football...
...a whole lot of Sunday afternoon naps...
...a whole lot of after church selfies...
...and a whole lot of this little girl growing up before our very eyes...one Sunday at a time... 💕
Cue all the tears and a whole lot of love for Sundays that I didn't even know I had! Hahaha We love this small day of the week and the Sabbath that it is for us most weeks. We're thankful for a day of rest with the family and thankful for the "resetting" we get to do that helps set us up for success for the rest of the week.
Just a few Sunday thoughts for you on this Wednesday!! Thanks as always for following along and can't wait to hear and read how others prep for the week too!! You can also find all of my "Let's Look" posts here. Thanks Shay and Erika for the fun blog link-up, and I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!!
Sending lots of love!
Ok, the photo of sweet Jane posing at your front door with her toe pointed is just the most adorable thing on the internet! 💕💕💕 Loved reading about your Sundays reset!