Thursday, September 12, 2024

Frame This Moment - Date Night Out

Happy Thursday and Frame This Moment Day!! Pierce had a work event on the calendar this week, and my sweet parents came down to watch Jane and Andy for our first dinner out... 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jackson 2024

Happy Tuesday!!! Last weekend, we took a little trip out to Jackson, Wyoming to see Pierce's family over Labor Day. It was such a sweet and trip!! And this past weekend, we snuck in a quick trip to Louisville to enjoy the last few days of my parent's pool. We always say we wish we had family in town, but having family scattered throughout the country definitely keeps us traveling more often, which always makes for special and sweet memories!! Here are a few snapshots from our time out in Wyoming!!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Frame This Moment - Andy's First Flight

Happy Thursday!! We are back from our sweet Labor Day trip, and today's frame this moment just had to be Baby Andy on his first flight...