Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Life Lately 12.12.23

Good morning!! Happy Tuesday!!! I hope everyone had the very best week and has been having a great start to their week! 

We had our small group over last night for our annual Christmas party and just had such a sweet time celebrating all that the Lord has done this year (and over the last four years!) We have another Christmas party at our house tonight for my Discipleship Group, a dinner on the calendar tomorrow night, Pierce's work Christmas party on Thursday night, and Pierce's parents come in on Friday! It definitely feels like Christmastime over here, and we are loving all the celebrations! But today, I just have a few pictures of Life Lately for you. A little from Thanksgiving, a little from life around town, and a little of just snapshots of our lots of ordinary moments that I'm so very grateful for. I hope you too are finding small joys in these busy days!! Here's a little look at Life Lately for you!
Love this guy and love this season. 
Also love this little fam and quick lunches out with Pierce! This little outfit is also one that my mom saved from when me and my sister were little and Jane loves it! I love it too. It takes me back to the '90s every time she has it on!!
Sheesh, what could be better than cozying up having a little snack after nap. I just love, love, love my days with this little one and am so thankful for them!! 
I also love watching these two too. Christmas sheets, Christmas pajamas, early morning reading the Word and Jane cozying up with us. The sweetest of days for sure. 
She sits here all the time and "reads" to her doll and it makes me smile every time. 
Just so much Christmas joy around here! 
I've posted these before, but we loved Christmas Village this year! 
The kick-off to the season is always just my very favorite!! 
We had some sweet family friends stay with us one weekend and Jane LOVED having a few "big sisters" (AND "big brothers!) around!! 
Pierce and I loved it too - from one to five was a fun switch for a bit ☺️
See what I mean - LOVED it πŸ˜‚
She also LOVES when Daddy works from home and unplugs his keyboard for her to "work" with him. Seriously grinning just the whole time πŸ˜‚
In the last few months, Jane has gotten to see three of her great-grandparents, and it's always so special!!
Four generations!!
She's obviously loved all of the visiting too! 
We're always so thankful for these visits! 
We loved Thanksgiving up in Louisvlle with my family! Jane loved matching her "Papaw" in their flannels. 
My mom's meal is always just so incredible - we look forward to it every year! 
We've had lots of traveling on the calendar recently! 
And this little one looked SO much like a toddler to me so many times... (She also loved her little drawing board so much, and I can't recommend it more for traveling!!)
Seeing her cousin Lucy is ALWAYS a favorite for her!!! 
Always so many hugs!!! 
I love watching these two together - so thankful for little friendships in these little years!!
We loved Thanksgiving at Pierce's family ranch! 
There's always a big meal and the day is almost always ended with a family game of "Empire." If you've never played, it's such a great big group game! There are different variations, but essentially, everyone picks one name of someone and writes it on a slip of paper. They're all put into a big bowl and someone reads through all of the names twice. Then you take turns guessing who wrote which name. If you guess correctly, that person is on your team or "empire," and you keep going until there is only one un-guessed person! It really is such a fun crowd-pleaser - we love playing with our small group too!! 
This was definitely a fun crowd this year though!! 
Amazing Race was definitely such a fun part of Thanksgiving at the Ranch. You can read a little bit more about it here
Jane loved getting to put the four-wheeler away with Daddy, as you can tell hahaha 
Love this little nugget!! And we loved our time there! 
A few days later, and we were back to traveling again! 
I'll post more about our trip to NEW YORK tomorrow, but it was definitely one of our very faves!!! 
From Times Square to Macy's and shutting down the hotel lobby with these two after the girls went to bed, we truly had the BEST time!!! It'll be a trip we always remember!! 
Back at home, we've just been snacking on our favorite Christmas snacks!
A sweet friend even made us homemade gingerbread cookies - so delicious! 
Jane's gone shopping with mom for a day πŸ˜‚ 
And truly gets giddy over the littlest things! 
We've had lots of sweet days at the park with friends! 
And Pierce and I spent some time testing out some Christmas "minute-to-win-it" games for our Small Group Christmas party πŸ˜‚ 
They made the night so very fun!!! I had bookmarked Andrea's blog post so long ago, which had so many fun ideas! There are so many more ideas in this post as well. It truly made the night such a fun one!!
We also got to spend a night out at one of our favorite Christmas concerts, which is always a treat!! 
We try to do something fun every Christmas, and we've seen Drew and Ellie Holcomb, The Nutcracker Ballet, It's a Wonderful Life at The Franklin Theater, and this is our second year seeing Dave Barnes. It's always a fun Christmas date for sure! πŸŽ„✨

And that about wraps it up over here for a little Life Lately. Things have felt so busy, but fun. We are soaking up these last few weeks of the year in Nashville in our home and with Jane before we head to Louisville for Christmas. I'll be back here tomorrow though with some fun picture and memories from our time in New York!! Thanks as always for following along!! In these every day moments, here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between! 

Lots of blessings, 


  1. you guys have been up to so much and it all looks amazing!

    1. Oh my goodness - it really has felt like the busiest season over here!! But we've been grateful for all the fun and time together for sure!!


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