Thursday, February 6, 2025

Frame This Moment - Park and Picnics

Happy Thursday, friends!!! It's been a busy and full week over here for the Riddick fam, but I wanted to pop on here for a little Frame This Moment today!! 

Last week, the sunshine was just too good to us, and two sweet little moments that I captured were just simple "Frame This Moments" for sure. One afternoon while Andy was napping a little early, I was making our lunch and asked Jane if she wanted to have a "picnic" outside. She was very excited, and I grabbed a little blanket, cut up lots of fruit with our lunch, and we pretended it was summer as we ate and chatted. It was just a sweet moment with this little one, and I had to take a little snapshot. 70º, we are ready for you this spring!!! 
And the next morning, we were still soaking in the sunny days and made our way to the park. Jane was SO excited to ride on these little "Mommy and Me" swings, and I had Andy in my carrier and heard a little noise and wasn't sure if he was starting to cry, but when I looked down he was laughing. He loved it so much! Jane of course loved that he loved swinging too!! So we snapped a little picture for Daddy, and it is a sweet and simple favorite this week for sure!!! 
It's the littlest moments in the midst of a busy and full week, in the midst of what oftentimes feels a little chaotic with a toddler and a baby, and in the midst of a winter with lots of very cold days that make this season feel just as sweet and good as it is hard too. And I'm thankful for them!! 

Thanks as always for sharing yours as well!!! I love getting little snaphots from so many different seasons, and I love the gift of slowing down enough to see the littlest moments as the biggest blessings!! So here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between!!

I'll plan to see you back here next week!!
Sending lots of love!

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