Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Ten Things I Love About Motherhood

Aww happy Tuesday!! Before the month of February ended, I knew I had to take a moment and write my 2025 version of this post. 
Two years ago, I had posted and asked if there were posts or ideas that people would love to see, and motherhood was a constant theme, so in honor of Valentine's Day that year, I wrote a post about ten things I love about motherhood. I continued with the theme last year, and now it's my third year doing it, and it's a post I'm coming to love. 

I sat down and just wrote the first ten things that came to my mind. There are of course so many more, but in a culture where it's "easy" to focus on the hard and challenging and things we wish we could change, it feels refreshing to focus on the good and sweet and little things that I am grateful for. "Thanksgiving" is a such a big theme throughout Scripture, and as we are talking a lot about having "grateful hearts" with Jane in our home, it feels sweet to create practices of that in little areas of our lives as well. So, without further-ado, in no particular order, here are ten things I love about Motherhood. 

1. I love getting them “all cleaned up” …whether it’s a bath or brushing their teeth or just getting their pajamas on and all cozy at the end of the night, I love that feeling of helping them get all clean and ready to hug and snuggle after a day of playing.

2. I love helping and hearing Jane memorize Scripture. She picks it up fast, and it is always encouraging to me and helps me stay in the Word too to help her memorize. 

3. I love hearing, “Mama.” Or “Mommy.” Both littles are now saying these left and right and although some days it can be the most used word in our house ;), I love hearing their little voices and knowing it’s me they’re talking to. 

4. I love watching their little hands do things. Whether it’s Andy learning how to pick something up or Jane learning how to cut or glue or draw, it’s always amazing what their tiny hands can do. 

5. I love being outside with them. As much as I love our home and it’s one of my very favorite places to be, I love getting outside, playing, soaking in the fresh air and sunshine, and these days often cold weather, but we can’t wait for some spring and summer days coming soon too. 

6. I love watching them interact and laugh with each other. I know this one will only grow with time as Andy gets older, but seeing them laugh and play together is one of the best things to watch. 

7. I love learning their personalities. We have a joke that Pierce and I always ask friends with little babies about their "personalities" and oftentimes get met with a laugh because they are truly a few weeks old hahaha but I think as a teacher I know that you can tell a personality at a pretty young age, so I'm always looking for how their sweet little selves are made and wired, and it’s the sweetest and such a joy to get to see these little people in our home come to life. 

8. I love eating dinner around the table at night. I know there will be a gazillion more seasons in the years to come, but right now with Andy now eating some solids, I really love sitting around the table at night with all four of us - hearing and watching the conversations go from anything to family we love and miss to laughing about a napkin falling on the floor...it's oftentimes chaos, but one that I'm loving in this season. 

9. I love learning how to lean into my strengths. And how to acknowledge my weaknesses as well... I listened to a podcast earlier this year with Sally Clarkson and Ruth Chou Simons, two women whom I admire as mothers, and Ruth quoted her Now and Not Yet book when she asked, "Are you tempted to feel called when your strengths are on display and not called when it's your weaknesses instead?" And it stuck with me... There are certain things about motherhood that come really easily, and I feel like God wired me in a way for those to become my strengths, and there are other aspects that are harder. As Jane gets older and as we have two littles now, I'm starting to see both of those areas a little more clearly, and it's a really sweet realization and one that pushes me closer to the Lord, which is the sweetest part of all for sure.

10. I love finding ways to make them and our time feel "special." When we had Andy, a sweet older nurse who had been a mother for many years told me and Pierce her biggest piece of advice was to take a few minutes each day and let Jane know that she had our attention... As crazy as it may feel, to truly spell it out and then narrate her actions for a few minutes, and it would make all the difference in her feeling known and seen. "Jane, Mommy and Daddy are playing with you. Jane's picking up the yellow block. She's walking with the yellow block. She's stacking the yellow block!" The first time we did this, we watched her little sweet face light up, and it just made me realize those little moments are the sweetest. She feels known and loved and seen, and it's been fun to try to find other ways to do that as well. 

Another mentor gave the sweetest devotion recently and said, "Seek to make your home a safe harbor for the soul of your sweet daughter. Make her favorite snack and put it on her favorite color plate, and sit and listen to her as she tries to process her thoughts...and then her feelings. Don't rush her, don't interrupt her, seek to understand her. It may take a while, but that's ok because she is so worth it." And that little line just stuck with me... She is so worth it. And so is he. What a blessing to get to carve out those little moments that make them feel known and loved and seen and special. It really is something I'm loving about motherhood right now... 

And those are just the first few that come to my mind, but as I finish this list, I know that motherhood can be a hard topic for so many. There are so many friends on my prayer lists that have circumstances that are not what they have desired for motherhood in so many ways, and my heart breaks for those families. I am always eager and honored to pray for those friends, and if that is you in any way, please always feel invited to send me an email. It would be a joy to be in touch and pray for you. And also if you're just in this sweet journey as well and need a friend alongside you, it'd be my joy to connect with you too! 

Motherhood is a gift and something that feels so much sweeter walking alongside community in... So thanks as always for following along in this little journey of ours!
Here's to enjoying the little moments (and big ones!) and all that the Lord is teaching through this sweet season of Motherhood! 

I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!!!
Sending lots of love!


  1. Such a beautiful post! I relate so much with meeting a daughter where they're at and letting them process their own feelings. We're getting to a stage at 7, where it's SO important for me to make time for the "big kid" stuff and relating to her after the baby is in bed. All the bracelet making, talking about makeup (that I hate hahaha), doing sock girls, making silly videos. But I know so so well that I'm laying a foundation for good communication as we get into the harder years!

    1. Awww I love this so much, Alisha!!! Yes!!! I know that is meaning so much to her right now, and you're right, hopefully laying such a good foundation for years to come!! Thanks for this sweet reminder!!!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!