Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Million *More* Moments to Frame

Aww happy Tuesday, friends!!! It's so sweet to be back in this little space, and today I just have a few more moments in time to share that have just made this summer one we will definitely never forget.
These two are definitely the reason for so much sweetness and so many snapshots to just try to soak in and remember. 
Andy is already getting used to having a big sister - Jane wanted to read to him one morning in her room and share her baby doll with him, and I just had to snap this sweet picture!
We've been loving all the time together as a family of four as well...we made it to the Farmer's Market one Saturday morning...
It's a favorite...and looking back on pictures, we could not believe how much had changed in just one year...

Time just needs to slow down!! But we are holding on and enjoying every minute! 
Including soaking in all the baby Andy snuggles we can this summer!!
We've had lots and lots of days painting on our porch... 
Jane has truly just been loving having her very own "canvas." 🤗
We ended up one night at Taziki's for dinner... And realized that it was the first dinner just the four of us out and it made us remember... 
That taking Jane to this same little Taziki's was our first dinner out with her too... hahaha just loving all these newborn memories! 
The three of us just had to take a picture the first morning with Pierce at the office... Andy sure gets smothered with a lot of kisses these days from Mommy and Jane! 
And I try to soak in a few extra while Jane is napping... 
We are still getting used to this sweet life as a family of four... 
And we have loved being parents all over again... 
Welcoming home this sweet Baby Boy!!
Wouldn't want to do it with anyone else!!! 
Almost six years later, and we are still loving our favorite corner of this little couch...
But of course most of our afternoons are spent outside these days with these two... 
Pigtails, pink, and popsicles! That about sums up this little girl right about now... 
And I couldn't love her more!! 
She sure is a great big sister though!!
And it's the sweetest to get to watch! 
Being their mom is a true gift!! 
And I'm trying hard to soak in these sweet mornings at home with two littles!! 
We love the afternoons when Daddy gets home though!!!
And Saturday mornings are just our very, very favorite!!
We love getting some extra time in the Word...
And some extra snuggles too!! 
Just soaking in these sweet, sweet days!!
And trying to figure out how to freeze time with this sweet little two year old... 
And this precious little boy too!! 
And thanking the Lord for all the moments in between!!
We are so grateful for sure!! 

And there are just a few more snapshots that have made up this summer and the first few weeks of having our little Andy Pierce a part of our family!! You can find a few more here and welcoming him home here. We've loved it all so much. Thanks SO much again for following along in this crazy little journey! We are so thankful!! I'll be back here on Thursday!!!! 

Sending lots of love!!


  1. THIS! It's just the sweetest, Tabitha! ALL of it and that first pic of Jane kissing Andy's tiny face took my breath away! You will never regret taking all the pictures of everyday memories. It's so much fun to look back when they get older. Y'all are just the cutest lil fam!!!

    1. Oh thank you, Alinda!!! This made my day. I love that first picture too - I randomly snapped it one morning and it became a favorite of mine ❤️ The everyday memories are definitely so special!! Thanks for your sweet comment and encouragement!! So glad you are back to blogging this month too 🤗🥰


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!