Happy Wednesday!!!! Aww first, thank y'all so much for your sweet comments and messages about yesterday's post. It seems we all need a little more time and grace mixed into our year, so I'm right there with you in that! Today, on a similar note, I thought it would be fun to jump into the Let's Look blog link-up for a few Low Level Goals for 2025!
I love thinking through each month and posting my goals on here too when I can. You can find lots from past months here. And you can find a big part of my heart for this year's goals in my post from yesterday here.
Last year, I had a few bigger 2024 goals that were really fun to work on. We had a little one due in June last year, so I made a goal to walk 100 miles before the Baby came and 100 miles after, and I am working on a little recap post of that goal because it was too fun not to share a little bit more about!
Life sure did change a lot over that year and so much came from those little walks!! I loved every single one of those miles in 2024 though!!
Pierce and I were reading through the Bible for the 5th time together and goodness what it a sweet year even when "quiet times" looked different some (most 😂) days than they used to... We decided to give ourselves a little grace on the timing at the end and are finishing it up this new year!!
And Jane and I got in lots of crafts, and although we may not have hit our monthly goal, I think we got in most of the seasons. You can view some January/winter crafts here, some February/Valentine's Day crafts here, and some spring/summer crafts here. Fall and Christmas crafts looked a lot less like handprints a whole lot more of Jane, which I love that she's getting to that age!! I am hoping to bust out my paint again soon to capture a whole lot of double hand prints and foot prints soon though!!
But for this year... I seem to not have a ton of big lofty goals... Back in 2018, Pierce and I made our way to our very favorite coffee shop and brainstormed some goals for the year on January 2nd (one of which was praying/thinking through engagement and marriage...my how far we have come!!) and it became a bit of a tradition for us...
For many years after, we made our way out on January 2nd for a little revisiting of life goals, planning and brainstorming for the year. But this year, it looked a little different... We were driving home from all of our Christmas/New Years travel, and while two littles napped in the back ("miracle hour" as a friend called it hahaha) we got a little time to brainstorm about what we were thinking for the year, and I felt like we just kept coming back to the basics...
A big theme for me is just getting my "foundation" a little more solid after two littles the past two years... So here are a few of our "low-level" or "back to basics" goals you might say for the year... Simple, small steps with the goal being that they are sustainable and a blessing for our family...
1. Scripture.
My small goal this year is simply to be in Scripture each morning. Whether one verse, one chapter, or eight chapters...just spending time getting that foundation first and foremost. Reminding myself of the Gospel each morning and throughout the day might be the best advice I have received and put into practice from moms that I know, respect and love. And it's a goal of mine this year to continue to do that.
2. Prayer.
I know it might sound cliche, but we have been really working on teaching Jane to stop, take a deep breath and say a prayer when she is feeling "big" feelings, and it has been such a reminder to myself to do the same. Whether big prayer requests for the year and really especially the daily requests for grace and patience, this is a daily goal of mine to continue to walk in...
3. Routines and rhythms.
This one is my bread and butter and also the easiest to get muddied and confused through big life transitions for me... So, we are headed back to the basics in a few different ways.
In the Riddick Home over here, that looks like our January cleanse... We love doing January with no grains or sugars and it just seems to reset almost everything for us as we start feeling good and having a little bit more capacity...
This year, we are also working on finding a good rhythm to stay active. We love working out together when we can, I love doing pilates when I can find an hour to slip away (oftentimes harder than it sounds for some reason...haha), and from my love of walking to Pierce's love for swimming, we are trying to figure out how we can just get back to the basics of being active and moving as much as we can (keeping up with a toddler and now very mobile six month old is a good start though, let's be honest haha)
Maybe our only "bigger" goal this January/New Year is we've been trying to charge our phones downstairs at night and although I wasn't sure it would make much of a difference, I love my phone not being the first thing I see/touch/look at/bring downstairs etc. and same with going to sleep. Pierce gifted me with a sweet little alarm clock I had been eyeing, and we've been trying out this new rhythm that we are so far loving a few weeks in!!
And lastly, for me it looks like trying to get back to my rhythms for taking care of our home too...with the mindset of a lot more time and a lot more grace... This January has definitely been helpful in resetting and simplifying a bit though. Which brings me to...
4. Saying "no" to a few more things, so that I can say "yes" to the basics first.
This one is very hard for me, and one I'm still learning how to do, but I "paused" a lot of things this January (which is a peacemaker's way of saying no I suppose 😉), and kept to our basic commitments that we have made, so that I could just simply enjoy where the Lord has me for a few weeks. And then hopefully add in a few extras as they come that bring life to our family and home throughout the year.
5. Enjoying the season.
This one is one that I feel the Lord has always impressed deeply into my heart, and honestly one of the reason I love this blog so very much. It helps me slow down, see the little things that could often be overlooked or overshadowed, and know that those are the moments that make up these sweet seasons. I have truly always loved pictures and snapshots and having a reason to sort back through a few from each week really helps remind me of the Lord's blessings and gifts, in the best seasons and even maybe more so in the harder ones too!!
So, those are a few of our back to the basics over here... Pierce would probably tell me very few of those are actually "measurable" hahaha but...it's where I am right now, so I thought I would share!!
I can't wait to see and hear your ideas for this year though, especially from so many different seasons and walks of life!! Thanks Shay and Erika for the fun blog link-up today!! You can also find all of my "Let's Look" posts here. Thanks as always for following along!
So, those are a few of our back to the basics over here... Pierce would probably tell me very few of those are actually "measurable" hahaha but...it's where I am right now, so I thought I would share!!
I can't wait to see and hear your ideas for this year though, especially from so many different seasons and walks of life!! Thanks Shay and Erika for the fun blog link-up today!! You can also find all of my "Let's Look" posts here. Thanks as always for following along!
Here's to a great 2025 and as always, here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between!!
I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!!
Sending lots of love!
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