Thursday, May 25, 2023

Frame This Moment - Painting Like Mommy

Happy Thursday!!! Hope everyone has having such a great week! I know school is wrapping up for so many!!! Today I have a little Frame this Moment from this past weekend…
This sweet little girl is Mommy’s number one helper and shadow and this weekend was no exception. While Pierce was out of town, I was working on painting two of the rooms in our house. I mainly painted while Jane napped or slept, but one afternoon, I was finishing up a few small corners of the kitchen when I looked out to the porch and saw this little scene. The sweetest little moment to frame. This little one had picked up an extra paint brush that was on the porch and was working away when I walked out. She was moving it up and down just like I had been, and it just made me smile. She really does watch everything we do, and her little helper spirit is something I just love so much.
One shoe on and one shoe off…it’s just the sweetest little memory that I had to freeze in time. Mommy’s little helper. 

Slowing down to soak in these small moments is always one of my favorite things. And I love seeing and hearing about yours too! I hope you’re finding small and simple joys in your days this week! Here’s to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things and soaking in all the moments in-between! 

I’ll plan to see you back here tomorrow before Memorial Day weekend!!
Lots of blessings,


  1. Sending over our moment today - the last day of preschool. It goes SO fast. Soak in those sweet little days! Also - a GREAT toddler activity is to give them water and a paint brush to "paint". my girl and her friends still do that to our deck sometimes lol!!

    1. Oh my goodness YES!!!! What a special moment!!!! It's already flying by over here, so I can't even imagine!! And YES!! That is amazing - we will absolutely have to try that!! Thanks for the suggestion 😍😍💦


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