Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday Favorites - Family Selfies, Out to Eat, and Trips to the Mall

Happy FRIDAY!! And MARCH 1st!!! Wow!! How have we already lived through two full months of 2024?! It has flown by over here... We are always excited about a new month over here though and are looking forward to all March has in store. Today I just have a few favorites for you from our week over here... It's been a simple, but sweet one!! I hope everyone has had a great week too! Here are just a few snapshots for your Friday morning!! 

Before we left for church on Sunday, I convinced both of them to take a little selfie with me, and we were loving Jane's smile that she did 😂 She always looks forward to going to "chewch" and obviously was excited to be on our way hahaha love these two so much!! 

We snuck in a little lunch out at one of our favorites too, and Jane was sitting like such a big girl with us while she just colored and took it all in. 
She also couldn't believe she got to try some Dragonfruit lemonade hahaha 
This was definitely a favorite of hers! "Cheers" is an on-going thing around here 😂 

Jane's been running lots of errands with me recently and on one particular morning, we walked the mall just for fun for her to ride the "escalators." They are truly a FAVORITE and bring so much delight, so it's always such an easy yes. She has read Corduroy a time or two and always talks about the escalators in the story. She also is always AMAZED that there is a "black car" parked inside the mall hahaha

Another favorite this past week is definitely this little blog... 
The last weekend in February 2021, I packed up my pink laptop and made my way to the studio for a weekend that Pierce was recording a good friend's album. I sat and listened while making a little dream of mine for so long come to life, and I couldn't be more grateful for all that this little space has become. 
I thought it would be fun to celebrate with a little Q&A next week, so if you have any questions, feel free to leave them here!!! 

And lastly, this sweet new month. The beginning of the month is always a fun, fresh start and the 1st is always just a favorite day. So many possibilities, adventures, commitments, goals, and memories to look forward to. March has become a sweet month ever since we counted down till March 26th, 2022 for Jane's sweet little due date. She ended up coming in April, but March will always hold a little sweet spot in my heart as well!! 

And that about does it for a few Friday Favorites over here. Jane and I are off to clean and I'm *really* hoping to officially be finished with a huge portion of our closet restructuring this weekend - wish us luck!! Hahaha I hope everyone has such a wonderful weekend!!! And thanks Erika and Andrea for the fun blog link-up today! 

I'll plan to see you back here on Tuesday!
Lots of blessings!


  1. What a cute family photo and it looks like a great lunch out. Jane looks so happy with her drink. Happy anniversary to your blog!

    1. Thanks so much, Kim!!! She did love that pink lemonade so much haha Thanks for reading!! Hope you have a great weekend!!!


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