Friday, March 8, 2024

Friday Favorites - Tutoring, Hockey Games, and Spring Break!!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! My friends, even though I'm not teaching this year, I still LOVE the time every year when Spring Break rolls around. For us, it looks a little different than simply not teaching, but tutoring and Discipleship Group are on pause, Pierce has a few days off of work, and I am taking the week off blogging, so we are looking forward to such a great week ahead with family!! 

Here are just a few favorites for your Friday morning!! I hope you have found so many small joys in your days as well!!

Well, my first favorite is this little cutie hopefully picking up on some quadratic equations as I teach and she colors 😂 Usually Pierce makes it home around the time I start tutoring, but on this day, Jane was with me and did such a great job. 
She was thrilled that she got to use the pens "the girls" use at Discipleship 😂 Thankful to get to do what I love still with a little one on my lap!!

The second favorite is a Preds game with a sweet friend from Discipleship Group. She had two extra tickets, and Pierce and I took her up on a fun and impromptu date night at Bridgestone Arena. 
My book I had just finished (The Last Way Home by Liz Johnson) was all about hockey, so it was fun getting to go to a game in real life and so fun the Preds won too!!

My third favorite is simply my love for home and making spaces feel quaint, cozy and just like home. This is a picture from several years when I was turning my childhood room into a guest room at my parent's house and recently I have been working on turning our guest room into Jane's little room, so it feels full circle and just as much fun! We are definitely looking forward to completing everything in the next few weeks hopefully!!

A favorite will ALWAYS be these two dear friends and my years teaching with them. March 10th, 2022 marked my last day of teaching before Jane, and it's been sweet to think back on that season this week. 
This little classroom will just always be so special. You can read about my favorites and the gift of teaching here and the end of this little season and beginning of the next in this blog post here

And lastly, Spring Break. My oh my how I WISH we were going to be soaking up the sun all week on a beach vacation, but we will be enjoying the week all the same and counting down till the next time we can live our best beach lives for sure! 

And really, that about does it for a few Friday Favorites over here. I am taking this week off to enjoy all things family and home, so I'll plan to be back the week after!! I hope everyone has the very best weekend and week next week!! Thanks as always for following along and thanks Erika and Andrea for the fun blog link-up today! 

Sending lots of love this Friday!!
Happy Spring Break!!


  1. Have a wonderful spring break!
    It looks like Jane had a great time while you were tutoring and the hockey game looks like fun.

    1. Thanks so much, Kim!! We had a wonderful spring break!!! Hope you all enjoyed the week as well!! Thanks for reading and for your kind comment too!! ☺️


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