Thursday, February 29, 2024

Frame This Moment - Morning Quiet Times.

Aww Happy Thursday and LAST *bonus* day of February!!! I can't believe it is already the end of the month!! It's no surprise anymore that today is by far my favorite day of the week - the weekend starts a little early in our minds with our love for Thursdays. And these sweet days becoming Frame This Moment Days have definitely become a favorite this past year. A little chance to stop and thank the Lord for a small moment in time that oftentimes might otherwise go unnoticed or overlooked. It's been such a sweet practice for me, and I'm thankful so many of you have started sharing too!! Here's a little look at our Frame This Moment from this past week! 

Sheesh, this little girl melts my heart sometimes, and when she goes to grab her little Bible while we are reading hers is definitely one of those times. Some mornings, we read before she wakes up, but other mornings it's during or after breakfast, and her little heart and desire to read with us just always makes me smile. She'll try to "follow along" and read out loud too with her little "Wijuwaw, wijuwaw," which makes it all the more sweeter. 
I am trying to soak up these days, as different as quiet times look than they used to. Toys, bears, little hands, lots of sitting in laps and lots of breaks, but they are such a sweet part of this season, and I am so thankful. 
This little one and her love for prayer is already an answer to OUR prayers. I'll oftentimes catch her hands folded like this when we are in the middle of a meal or in the car or random times throughout the day. I'll smile and ask her if she wants to pray, and she'll always start out with, "Gaaaa," and then look up and smile. The heart of a child sure is a special thing and having a front row seat to her little conversations with God at such a young age is really so powerful and special in my own walk with the Lord. I'm thankful for this little girl, for our morning quiet times, and for moments like this that cause me to slow down and thank the Lord for where He has us. I hope and pray I will never forget these sweet mornings. 

And there's just a little moment in time from this past week. Some that have become my very favorite!! Thanks as always for sharing yours too - it's always so fun and such a blessing to see snapshots from many different seasons of life. Here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful February 29th!!! I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!! 
Sending lots of love on this Thursday!

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