Thursday, August 29, 2024

Frame This Moment - Titans 5K

Happy Thursday!! And Frame This Moment Day! Today is a fun one from this past weekend!! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Few of Jane's Favorite Activities

Happy Tuesday! Today I thought I'd share a few favorite activities of ours over here lately... 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Frame This Moment - "I'm Watching You, Mommy!"

Happy Thursday!! Today's Frame This Moment is simply a moment in time that felt like a "lightbulb moment" right in the middle of such an average day...  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Life Lately 8.20.24

Happy Tuesday!! I hope everyone had such a wonderful weekend!! We are in an in-between stage over here of still adjusting to family of four life and also getting back into normal rhythms and routines. With school starting back up, tutoring is starting back up for me, our small group is starting to meet again, we have some fun trips and travel back on our calendar and we are counting down till the fall weather and "holidays" on the horizon. ☺️ So today I just have a few snapshots from life lately recently as we soak in the last of summer and this sweet little transition season!! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Frame This Moment - Jane and Andy Reading

Happy Thursday!! Well, one thing I can say about Jane is that she's a really good big sister...and a second would be that she loves to read. And when you combine the two, you have today's post and a few really sweet moments to frame. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Summer Trips to Louisville

Well, this summer has been full of trips to "Nana and Papa's house" in Louisville, and I thought today I would put together a few favorite snapshots from our time up there. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Frame This Moment - Outings with Two

Happy Thursday!! I thought today I would jump back into my Frame This Moment series, which is truly one of my very favorites. Just a snapshot or two from the week that makes me slow down and be thankful for a small moment in time that might otherwise go unnoticed. Life is so sweet, but it moves so fast and sometimes it's hard to zoom out and take it all in. 

This practice has been a gift for me to thank the Lord for so many little things throughout each season. Some seasons are harder than others, but having a heart of gratefulness really does and can change my perspective so much. You can read my very first Frame This Moment post here and find all of them from the past year and half here. Today I just have a little moment that I want to remember from these first few weeks with two!! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Million *More* Moments to Frame

Aww happy Tuesday, friends!!! It's so sweet to be back in this little space, and today I just have a few more moments in time to share that have just made this summer one we will definitely never forget.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Million Moments to Frame

Oh, friends, HAPPY AUGUST!! Happy Thursday! Happy Frame This Moment Day (or in this case Frame These Moments!!) June and July have been full to the BRIM over here, and we have loved every minute, but I have sure missed this little space!