Friday, July 7, 2023

Friday Favorites - Poolside Snacks, Our Favorite Cereal and a Cute Movie

This week feels like it just flew by!! I can't believe it's already Friday!! We are settling back into life here in Nashville for the next week and then are off again to see family, so we are making the most of this coming weekend with lots on the to-do list! 

We've been loving this summer and all that it's held, and here are just a few of our favorites from the past week or so!! A little random assortment for your Friday!! Hope you guys are having a great summer too and your simple little joys are making it such a great season as well!! 

Hope you enjoy, and I'll plan to see you back here next week!!

This front porch is one of our favorite places to be up in Louisville... We spend most of our time either out here or back by the pool...
And one afternoon when we were out back, Pierce and Dad whipped up a few poolside snacks that afternoon... From a homemade little guac and pico to a little pie pan full of goodies...
And a garden cucumber! One of our favorite little go-tos is goat cheese, honey and crackers - it's a fun afternoon snack for sure!! 

Speaking of afternoon snacks... These are currently our two very favorite cereals. We have never been too much into cereal, but this past month, we found these two grain-free ones, and we were hooked. Pierce likes the Seven Sundays cocoa, and I love the Three Wishes fruity - both are grain free and way less sugar - two fun brands if you're looking for a healthy, but still yummy option!! 

And if you're looking for a really cute movie, we watched this one up at my parents' house this past weekend, and it is so worth a little watch if you haven't seen it! Just wholesome and sweet and based on a true story - it was right up our alley, and we loved it!! 

Another favorite was Jane getting to visit her great granddad while we were up in Louisville. Pierce's granddad lives up there, and we try to stop by and visit whenever we can! Jane was giving hugs, and he was telling secrets haha
He got to meet her when she was a few months old, and I've always thought this picture was so sweet and so funny with Jane's look! We're always thankful when we get time with them though!! 

And lastly, just thankful for this little girl and a little time away from Nashville this past week! She ran hard and played hard and loved it so very much, and it was great being with family for the week!! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!! Thanks Erika and Andrea for the fun blog link-up!!

I'll plan to see you back here next week!! 


  1. my goodness, Jane is getting so big! Looks like a beautiful week!

    1. She really is getting so big!!! It was a sweet week!! Hope you all had a great 4th too!!

  2. Where did you find the grain free cereal? It looks good! And your 4th looked so fun!

    1. Hey Sarah!! We have been loving it!! I found ours at our local Sprout's Market, but I actually just saw both at Whole Foods last week!! And someone recently told me Thrive Market has both too!! Hope you can find them somewhere ☺️ Hope you all had a great weekend!!


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