Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday Favorites - Afternoons on the Porch, Our Favorite Sushi Place, and Daddy Working from Home

It's FRIDAY!! Happy weekend!! I can't believe it's the last one of July!! Jane and I are off to do our Friday morning cleaning and get the house ready for a fun weekend with family!! But today I just have a small random assortment of snapshots and pictures from some of our favorites for the week!! Hope you're finding small joys in your week too!! And I'll plan to see you back here next week!!

This was from a few weeks ago, but these afternoons with Chuy's and a fun strawberry treat are definitely a favorite this summer!! They don't happen too often, but when they do, we try to soak them up!!! 

Our favorite sushi place is officially now a family-favorite I think! Pierce and I have been coming here for date nights for as long as I can remember, and we have brought Jane a handful of times since she was a few months old sleeping in her carseat. The sweet owner and her two girls have watched her "grow-up" these last several months, and now I truly think it's a favorite place of Jane's too..
The rice and chopsticks and all ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Pierce has been working from home on Thursdays and these two pictures just perfectly describe Jane's curiosity and love for her Daddy, even when he's in work mode. Two favorites for sure!!

This is a current favorite summer meal!! So easy and simple and gives me all the Mediterranean feels!! 

Park dates with friends are always a favorite!!! Especially with older friends that Jane can fall in love with and give about a million hugs to hahaha 

And finally, I think these two cuties are coming in town for the weekend to celebrate Mom's birthday on Monday, which is always a favorite!!! (Also, the fall in this picture is having me torn between loving the rest of summer and anticipating the beautiful October coming, which I've been told I cannot mention for quite some time still...haahaha but still ๐Ÿ˜‰) 

And that about does it for a random little assortment of Friday Favorites for you! Hope you're having a sweet end of July as well!! Thanks Erika and Andrea for the fun blog link-up!!

I'll see you back here next week!!


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!