Thursday, January 18, 2024

Frame This Moment - Sledding ☃️

Aww Happy Thursday!! I say it all the time, but I really do love this day of the week. When I was a teacher, I would always view the weekend starting Thursday night, and it always made it so fun and feel so much longer. I tried to make Friday such a fun day at school for the kids (and me!), and it just made Thursday all the better feeling like we were already at the "end of the week." Pierce and I usually have a date night on Thursday night too, and even though I don't have a classroom full of kiddos, I still try to make Friday a fun and different routine for Jane and me too. All of that to say, I hope your Thursday is just as sweet and fun today and you come to love this day of the week as well!! 

Here on the blog world, I love to make Thursdays Frame This Moment day - a day of the week where I pick a snapshot to "frame." So much happens in the course of a week, and oftentimes, it feels like the small, "ordinary" moments can often go unnoticed, but somehow still have the biggest lasting impact. I started this series last January to try to freeze those little moments in time and remember as much as I can about them. To "frame" them so to speak. So today's snapshot comes from our sweetest week in the snow this week, a moment I definitely hope to remember. 

This sweet little nugget was LOVING the first time we put her on a sled. It snowed last Christmas at my parents house and we took her out in it, but she was nine months and just starting to crawl, so she didn't get to "experience" the snow too much. This year, she could not wait to put on her snow clothes and boots and hop out there. Our sweet neighbor let us borrow a saucer they used to use with their kids and put a rope on it so we could pull Jane, and let me tell you, it was such a blast! This little girl's face says it all, but she loved being tugged along in that thing. 

We've kept up with our "mile a day" this week somehow just playing with this girl on our neighborhood streets and hills, and Pierce and I have even taken a few turns on it with Jane in our lap. We've just had the best time, and I really hope I remember Jane's little laugh and grin and shaking her head as she flies by me. Her triple hats, her little pink snow bib, gloves that Nana got her and she has become obsessed with, and pink rain boots that she begs to sleep in... I for some reason was so surprised also that she could hold on with her tiny little gloves and ride all the way down the hills and always end with, "Peeeese moooor!" She's definitely our little adventurer! The first few times we went out the snow was still falling, and it just felt like we were living inside a snow-globe in our very own little neighborhood in Nashville, Tennessee. What a special and fun week!! I'm sure I'll post more memories of it soon, but for now, this little one of Jane sledding is such a sweet and special one! 

Thanks for sharing your moments with me too - I really do love seeing them from so many different walks of life. Slowing down and soaking in even the smallest moments is one of my favorite things, so thanks for journeying along with me!! Here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between!!

I'll plan on seeing you back here tomorrow!
Lots of blessings!


  1. These Thursday posts are always my favorites. Jane is such a happy girl and she makes me smile. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Aww Laura, this made my day!! I'm so glad you love these posts - they are so fun to write and share each week!! Jane sure is a sweet one, and it's such a joy to share her smile!! Thanks for your sweet comment!! 🥰

  2. ADORABLE!! Oh my the cuteness! And I see Thursdays the sane way you do, so happy weekend!

    1. Aww thank you!!! 🥰 YES! I love that!! Happy Weekend - I hope you had such a great one!!!


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