Thursday, October 3, 2024

Frame This Moment - Sunset at the Beach

Happy Thursday and Frame This Moment Day!!! Today's came from our sweet beach trip with my family last week and one that I would love to actually frame too... 
Pierce is always throwing Jane up in the air, and she LOVES it. She has since she was just a few months old. They were playing on the beach one night after the sun went down, and I scrambled to get my phone because I knew the silhouette would be so special. And here we are...the sweetest little moment in time on the beach!!
The next night, he was walking around with Baby Andy, and I had to snap this one too!! Goodness, I am so thankful for how he loves and plays with these kiddos and so thankful to have these little snapshots as memories too!!

Just a simple little moment in time to stop and frame. What a gift this little practice is!! Thanks as always for sharing your moments - the emails make my day!! And thanks for following along on this little blog as well!! It is a such a blessing. 

I hope everyone has such a wonderful Thursday, and I will plan on being back here tomorrow for Friday Favorites!! Here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between!

Sending lots of love!


  1. Oh my! These photos are precious, precious memories.

    1. Oh thank you, Kerry! They are definitely favorites from our trip. ❤️


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