Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Favorites - October, Smiles, and These Littles

HAPPY FRIDAY!! Goodness, it's been a long time since I've been here for Friday Favorites, but I'm happy to be back!! Life has just been full to the brim, but I feel like I always find a few small favorites every day, so here are just a few from this week!! 

I hope everyone has such a wonderful Friday and weekend!! 

Well, this is just such an easy favorite. These two. They are definitely two of my very favorites, and I love getting to watch their little daddy/daughter relationship grow these days. ❤️

But another favorite just the same is this little Andy... Let me tell you, he is a SMILEY one, and we couldn't love it more!! Before we had him, everyone would always ask Jane what she was excited to do with her little brother or sister, and she would always say, "Make them laugh." And I think the Lord answered her sweet little heart's desire because she most definitely makes him laugh!! Truly, if you look at him, he's usually laughing, and it makes me smile just thinking about this sweet one. 
Little buddy!!
He's just one happy little one!! 

This will also forever be a favorite... Sequence, puppy chow, and chatting with Pierce after Jane and Andy are asleep ❤️

A random little favorite, but this pink water cup of Jane's is truly her favorite!! Her cousin had a light pink one when we were in Wyoming, and I was looking for something good to travel with, so I snagged this one for her and she truly takes it everywhere... She has even slept with it during nap a few times hahaha

And lastly, this sweet month of October!! Goodness, she's a favorite and we are looking forward to all that she holds!!! 

Just a few little favorites over here...basically, the sweetness of simple everyday life... We are off to get to a few things finished this morning and our house cleaned up for the first sweet weekend of October!!! I hope everyone has a restful and refreshing one, and I'll plan to see you back here on Tuesday!! Thanks Erika and Andrea for a fun blog link-up today!! 

Sending lots of love!


  1. He is literally smiling in every picture!! Haha

  2. Aww! You have a lovely family and your little one is just adorable with his smile and how cute that Jane sometimes sleeps with her water cup.

  3. all the baby smiles is definitely a favorite!!


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