Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Favorites - Reading, Apples, and Fall

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Oh, we are so glad the weekend is here!!! It's been a fun week over here, and I thought I would share just a few small favorites with you today! 

Goodness, this little one is always a favorite. Add in pumpkins on the porch, and it's even sweeter! She is wearing a dress that my mom gave us that I used to do. It has Simba and Nala on the pockets and even though Jane hasn't seen the movie, the dress has become a very big favorite of hers!! 

Well, reading is still a big favorite around here... Jane LOVES reading to Andy any chance she can, and he loves it too so it's a win for everyone!!! I snapped this the other night while we were making dinner... You can see a lot more of her love for reading to him here too. :) 
Earlier this week, I took these two to the library so she could pick out a few new books to read the during day, and she was VERY excited to bring them home... 
And was very focused trying to learn to scan her books too...haha so sweet and such a favorite!! 

This week, we have taken a page out of Busy Toddler's book and have spent the week learning about apples. I'll have to post more soon, but it's been a really sweet and fun addition to our week. We've shopped for apples, tasted apples, learned the parts of an apple, read lots of books on apples, made apple trees, and it's on our list to paint with apples today too. It's been a sweet few minutes with Jane every morning while Andy is napping...
I love this little one and am thankful for Susie from  "Busy Toddler" and all the resources and ideas she provides! I've followed her since I was teacher, and it's taking me back to my JK days to do some of these fun things with Jane!

Sheesh, simple nights at home might just be my very favorite though. I love this little one and just adore his little smile... 
And Wednesday nights have become a favorite around here... Last Spring, we made pizza one night when Survivor was coming on, so we moved to the couch and watched a few minutes of it, and now it has become a little tradition... Jane calls it "pizza and a show" night, and we make cauliflower pizza and cuddle up to watch Survivor...and by that I mean usually about 4 minutes of it before we are all up running around again before bedtime haha but it's something we look forward to regardless!! 

This week has been amazing weather, so we living with the windows open and our fall candle going, and it's a true delight!! I am off to try to finish cleaning this morning while taking care of these two littles this morning, and we are looking forward to a fun and full fall weekend as well!! 

Thanks as always for following along, and I'll plan to see you back here next week!!! Thanks Erika and Andrea for a fun blog link-up today!! Here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between! And Happy Parent Trap Day to all my Parent Trap friends too!! 🥰

Sending lots of love!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Your children are just adorable. It sounds like Jane really loves reading.
    The weather has been lovely here too, it has been nice to have the windows open.


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