Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Jane's First Day 🍎

Well, today is definitely a frame this moment kind of day. We didn't expect this little one to have a first day of "school" this year, but the Lord had other plans. There is a sweet church here in town that offered Jane their open spot for their sweet two year old's class, and after a lot of prayer, we decided to send her, and and goodness was she excited!!  
I could just squeeze this little one forever at this age...her sweet smile, her love for bows and dresses that I wore as a little girl, her new little shoes, and a backpack that I think she would sleep with if we let her... 
Preschool starts at age 3 there, so she is in the sweetest little Mother's Day Out with lots of friends and two sweet teachers and was very excited to go to her class.
She made sure her backpack and shoes were all ready... 
I grabbed my first day of school sign that I used to use with my students and had it in the kitchen for her..
We ate breakfast and she wanted to take a few pictures with her backpack... 
She was SO excited to have a "backpack like Daddy!!!!"
Sheesh I love her!!! 
We grabbed a picture with Daddy...
And a selfie when we got there...
Tried to frame it in my mind and snapped a picture too... 
And Pierce took this one...the first time on the other side of the classroom door....
But goodness, this girl was so ready and so excited. She was a tad timid when it was officially time to say goodbye, but she jumped right in, and we couldn't have been more proud of her!!

Pierce and I LOVED picking her up and hearing about her sweet day! We made Alinda's amazing apple cookies to celebrate and enjoyed the day with our sweet girl! Goodness, the Lord's plans are just always better than ours, aren't they... So thankful for all that He has been teaching us through this process and for our sweet little girl who loves people and friends so much! She's already counting down till next Monday! 

Thanks for following along in this journey! Here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between!!

Sending lots of love!!
Happy October and School Days in the Fall!! 


  1. Aww, what a sweet frame-this-moment!! Little Jane going to Mother's Day Out and putting out her shoes the night before and proudly wearing her big girl backpack and the joy all over her face! It's all just so precious. Thank you for sharing this milestone with us and for trying my apple cookie recipe!! It's one of our faves.

  2. I was gushing so over your sweet post, I failed to sign my comment πŸ˜†Alinda here! πŸ₯°

  3. oh my gosh!!! what a sweet moment!! and it really takes me back because my sweet Millie had the matching lunchbox to Jane's backpack that we used for years! I bet that was an emotional morning, mama. but the sweet one on one time you're getting with Andy on Mondays!! <3


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!