Thursday, June 8, 2023

Frame This Moment - Summer Evenings.

Two times in the past week I have caught myself wanting to "frame a moment" as we've been gathered around with friends and family...
The first was last weekend when we were in Louisville. My parents have an amazing fire put in the back, and as I walked away to grab something, I looked back and saw this scene. Just simple summer sweetness. Family and friends, gathered around a fire, tiki torches, dinner, good conversation. It's just a moment I hope to frame and always be able to remember nights like this. We've been having them since I was little, and they've just continued to become sweeter and sweeter. There's just something about sitting around a fire at night... 
And the second was on Monday night when we had our small group over for a game night. Everyone brought appetizers, we pulled out our camping chairs, we prayed for and sent off one couple who is expecting their baby next week, and we played games till way past dark. It was just one of those sweet nights where you look around and are just grateful for community and grateful for all that the Lord has done in the past three and a half years as we've held Monday nights with open hands and opened up our home. Definitely a moment to frame and an evening to remember. 

Those are just two of the many that have made me stop and pause and say a prayer of thankfulness the past few weeks. It just feels like the season to soak in a little extra time with our people as the nights are getting longer and the evening air is still a little cooler. I still always love to see and hear your moments to frame as well! They really do make my day. Thanks for sharing and for following along in this little journey!!

I hope everyone has a great Thursday!!
Here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between!! 


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