Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Three Things - June Edition

Happy Wednesday!! Hope everyone is having a great week!! I thought today would be fun to do a little Three Things post - it's been a few months and thought it would be a fun little update on everyone over here this summer!!! Just three random things going on for the three of us! 
This was a screenshot from a FaceTime recently, and we're loving Jane's sweet summer self. 
Speaking of little Jane...

1. She's finally gotten her third and fourth tooth on the bottom... hers seem to come in slow and steady, but they're so cute when they finally pop through!! 

2. This girl is running around and is OH so social. From our small group friends to her nursery friends on Sunday to the cashier at the grocery store, she is quick to give a smile, wave, and if you're close enough a hug and kiss 😂 

3. She also is LOVING music. From playing the piano to dancing in her carseat to spinning around when we're listening to music in the kitchen, this girl loves a good beat... Pierce jokes that she has an inner-rhythm that takes zero time to warm up - her hand is moving the minute she hears anything resembling music hahaha it's cute to watch and definitely takes after her daddy in that life!! 
And speaking of her daddy... 

1. Pierce is leading worship this week for a middle school boy's camp here in town that some of our sweet family friends started several years ago. He dusted off his guitar this week and practiced in the living room (while Jane danced and truly had a ball), and then he said he almost teared up after all the boys had sung along with him on Tuesday morning. So, so proud of him!! 

2. He also has eight interns at work this summer, and he is doing such a great job leading them! Jane and I stopped by for a grill out one Friday for lunch, and you could tell they look up to him so much. It's fun to see him through younger guys' eyes for sure, especially when little Jane is running up to him saying, "Dada!" 

3. He's also working hard on our yard and growing grass in the backyard. It's always been a tricky spot to get grass to grow, but we've been so excited that a lot of his efforts are paying off, and we can't wait to see the progress over the next few months and year too!! 
And for myself over here... 

1. I'm loving living in the seasons. It's just fun for me to try to embrace and soak in every season, and I really do love them all. Summer has always been a favorite, and this year it seems extra special with Jane is such a fun age and stage. We're loving morning walks or dates at the park or pool with friends, summer fruits and evenings together as a family. They're just all very favorite!! Throw in July 4th and you have the sweetest season!!!

2. I'm putting together a prayer journal for this next year, and it has been so fun. I'm so excited and blessed to be leading a women's discipleship group at our church this fall, and I'm putting together my own little tool to use and teach during the lesson on prayer. Maybe I'll have to share on here soon, but it's been a really fun summer project. 

3. I've always known this about myself, but I seem to just keep learning that I do really well with rhythms and routines. The school year itself seem to set up a natural rhythm and had a handful of routines that came along with it, and although they changed sometimes, they were pretty steady. With Jane growing so much and our day-to-day changing so quickly, it really has been good for me to pick a few routines or rhythms and try to keep them even as so much changes around them. June has been a fun month trying to figure out those few that are here to stay for a while in this new season. 

And that about does it over here for three things in the Riddick Family. Thanks for following along in our little journey!! I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!!


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