Thursday, June 29, 2023

Frame This Moment - Cooking with Daddy

I love Thursdays. For so many reasons... But this year another was added with this Frame This Moment series. You can read about the first one and a little bit of the heart behind it here, but I've found it to be such a good practice for me to just pause a few times in the middle of the week and try the best I can to soak in some of the small and seemingly insignificant moments of daily life. It's really been the sweetest in this season where time just seems to be increasing in speed by the day. 
Today's Frame the Moment is a picture I snapped to send to my family about Pierce's late Father's Day gift that finally came, and it turned out to be such a sweet moment in time. When brainstorming gifts that might be a fun little something for him and Jane to enjoy or do, I started thinking about maybe a stool or a "kitchen helper" of some sort that she could help us (and him!) in the kitchen. Pierce loves to cook, and I can already tell Jane is following in his footsteps. So this is the latest addition to the Riddick Kitchen! (It also folds up and can be moved, which I am always grateful for additions like that 😂)

Jane and I had put it together while Pierce was at work, and when he got home, she was eager to get up and see what he was starting to mix together. You can see it in the sweet live version, but Jane was asking for "more" of what she sampling from him. The whole thing just makes me smile. 

Her little look says everything - she really does love her daddy!! And loves learning from him. 
I'm sure many more meals will be happening from this little corner. She's already become a smoothie expert with me in the mornings, and we're thankful for her eager little self in wanting to help. 

Just a tiny moment in one of our many afternoons and evenings in the kitchen. So special to be able to take a minute to "frame" this little snapshot. 

I have loved how many moments of yours I've gotten to see over the last six months too. So many different walks of life - so many small and big, impactful and meaningful, and also just the daily moments of the day - thanks for sharing yours with me too!! It's always such a blessing to me!

Here's to enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things, and soaking in all the moments in-between!! Thanks for following along in our little journey! 

I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!!


  1. How sweet! I was so sad we never had one of these with Emilia, I think they are so fun and great for them to help! We've always just sat on the counter lol

    1. Aww YES! That is what I did when I was little, and I still remember it ☺️ Being in the kitchen as a little one is just so special!!!


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!