Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Christmas Giveaway 🎄✨

HAPPY TUESDAY!!! I feel like it is *officially* the start to all things Christmas, and I couldn't think of a better way to kick things off than with a little Christmas giveaway!!

This blog has been such a blessing to me, and Pierce and I just wanted to say a little THANK YOU to so many of you who have been following along in this journey. We couldn't be more grateful for all of your encouragement, love, support, wisdom, comments and messages that you have sent to us. It always means the world and has been such a fun blessing! 

As many of us are starting (or maybe even finishing) Christmas shopping for the people we love most, I thought it would be fun to give away a small Etsy gift card to support some of our favorite shops and creatives. It is one of my favorite places to buy gifts, especially those personalized, fun, and unique gifts, so I hope this blesses someone this week as you are looking for gifts this Christmas season! 

Just click on your favorite parts of Christmas (can be a few or all), and I'll be back on Friday to announce the winner! In the meantime, we are settling back into life in Nashville for a few days before another fun holiday travel we have on the calendar for this weekend! I'll be back most mornings though with some life latelys, December welcomings, and some Christmas and holiday fun too!! 

Thanks again to everyone following along and here's to a fun, restful, and joy-filled Christmas season this year!! 

Lots of blessings!


  1. How fun! And another trip! You guys have a wild winter!! Have a blast!

    1. Haha I know we feel the same over here!!! 😂 But thank you!!! Are you all still going to Chicago this year?! I loved when you shared that you and your husband try to do that in December!!

    2. We are skipping this year! Due to being almost 30 weeks pregnant, the walking and cold (I don't currently have a zipping jacket LOL) we decided not to. However, my husband is taking my daughter on a super fun weekend Christmas trip to Minnesota to go to the Mall of America and do some tubing and Christmas activities there that I wouldn't be able to partake in anyways. I'll be doing a DIY class with my mom and sister one night, and getting a pedicure with a friend another, so I'm not tooooo sad about missing the festivities this year! But hopefully next year we will go again :)


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!