Friday, April 14, 2023

Friday Favorites - Jane’s Birthday Edition

Happy Friday!!! It's almost the weekend!! Pierce is taking a half day today, and we have a few things left to do to get ready for Jane's little 1st birthday party on Sunday, so it'll be a busy weekend over here. But in honor of celebrating Jane turning one, I thought I'd make today's Friday Favorites about her actual first birthday. It was such a sweet day, and I thought it would be fun to document it here!! Hope you enjoy these little snapshots from April 5th!! 

She loves balloons, so we got out a few the night before, blew them up, and put them all on and around her little toy kitchen with her birthday banner above. It was definitely a sweet way to start the day! 
Oh the fun to be had!! 

Then we decided that before work for Pierce, we would try to sneak in a fun breakfast out. 
And let me tell you, this little girl ate it up!! She was making quick friends with all the waitresses and had quite the morning!!! 

We snuck in a quick morning nap and then met some of our dearest friends at the park. Jane was loving having a "big sister" showing her around and taking her up and down the slides. 
We love this family, their four kids (one was behind the camera), and the blessing they have been to us here in Nashville! What a fun way to celebrate!! 

Then came naps, some outside time... 
And Daddy home from work!!!

After dinner, we let Jane try a little piece of a cake I had made earlier that afternoon. I made a version of this apple beet cake, and it was actually pretty tasty! It tasted more like a really good muffin than a cake, but Jane didn't know any different and loved it all the same! 
She loves music, so of course was eating up the happy birthday song, clapping along and everything 😂 

And to finish out the night, we gave Jane her first little baby doll. And let tell you, this little one smiled, waved, said hi, hugged it immediately and pretty much has not let go of her since that night... It really was just so sweet and so special. 
She just walked around hugging her and squealing the rest of the night... 
We let her stay up a bit later because we had truly just never seen her so excited about something hahaha so sweet!!!
And that in a nutshell pretty much wraps up little Jane Arbel's 1st birthday!!! The whole day was seriously a favorite - such a special day to celebrate this little girl's life, the many blessings that have come from it, and how faithful the Lord was to us April 5th, 2022!! (And 4th and 3rd if we're being honest 😉) 

We love celebrating you, Jane, and we loved this sweet day!!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours and in this different edition of Friday Favorites! Thanks Erika and Andrea for a fun blog link-up. I hope everyone has such a great weekend!! We are looking forward to finishing out this fun celebration with a few family and friends on Sunday!! I'll plan to be back here Tuesday with more fun and updates!! 

Thanks for celebrating with us!! 
Lots of love, 


  1. Happy Birthday Jane. looks like a wonderful time

  2. Aww! Happy birthday to Jane! It looks like she had a fantastic day! What a sweetheart she is.

    1. Aww thank you, Kim!! She was enjoying every part of the day for sure! Thanks for reading and for your sweet comment! ☺️

  3. Babies with babies is my favorite thing lol!!


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!