Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday Favorites - Lunch with Daddy, Days with Jane, and Afternoons Tutoring

Awww it's Friday!!! The last Friday of April. Goodness, we are excited for May and all that's to come! April has been a busy one over here, and we are looking forward to getting back to some of our rhythms and routines as we welcome in a new month and a fun summer!! 

Today I just have a few Friday Favorites, which mainly consist of just a few pictures of our day-to-day. Life is always a little sweeter over here when we stop to appreciate the little things, so that's basically today's post in a nutshell. Hope you are finding simple joys in your days too and enjoy looking at a few of ours from the week!

Lunch with Daddy was definitely a favorite over here this week! Jane loved saying hi to everyone else eating lunch, and I love getting to see Pierce in the middle of the day! We snapped this on the way to the car, and I thought it was such a sweet snapshot of the week, Jane's little forehead bruise and all. 

And secondly this week... Days with Jane... They honestly are just my very favorite, and I thought they needed a spot this week in these favorites. This little girl has stolen a huge piece of my heart, and I love getting to watch her grow, learn and explore. 
From walks to swinging to simply unloading the dishwasher and doing laundry, this girl is up for the adventure, and I love having her as a little buddy. I know I will always look back on these days and be grateful for this season. 

Speaking of my little buddy...this little one is quickly learning how to use a calculator as she often hops in my lap while I'm tutoring in the afternoons. Pierce gets home for most of my sessions, but there are a few that Jane either naps or plays during, and she always loves to come see what I'm up to haha Hopefully some of it is already sinking in for her 😂 

I mentioned this earlier this week, but I snagged Denise Hunter's new book before we went on vacation earlier this month, and no one will be surprised to hear that I didn't much read during that week on a boat with little Jane hahaha but I'm picking it back up at night and excited to get a little further along. I love so many of Denise Hunter's, so I'm sure this one will be just as sweet! 

And lastly, a very simple favorite, but a quick trip to the grocery store these days is an outing to this girl, and she loves every minute. She's even made friends with a few of the employees who love coming up to say hi hahaha Kroger runs have taken on a whole new meaning with this one these days... 

Also, a random thought, but has anyone else ever wished there were wheel locks on shopping carts?! Is this a thing somewhere hahaha Every time I stop at our car, I'm always so used to our stroller and wished there was a way to stop it from rolling... Anyway, I digress but it is a thought I've had so many times recently... 

But really, there you have it. Just a few snapshots from our week and some our favorites around here. What are you guys loving these days?! I always love to hear!! Thanks for following along and thanks Erika and Andrea for a fun blog link-up!! Hope everyone has such a great weekend! We are dedicating sweet Jane at church Sunday and are looking forward to lots of sunshine and family time. I'll plan to be back here Tuesday! 

Lots of love, 


  1. I had to screenshot that book to give it a try! Love your little family moments that are oh so sweet and special! -Jennifer

    1. Oh I hope you like it if you read it!! I'm not finished with it yet, but I will say it hasn't been my absolute favorite of hers, but I do love Denise Hunter! It's LIGHT summer reading for sure 😉 And thank you!!! I love reading about yours so much too!! 💕


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!