Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Let's Look - Pet Peeves

Happy Wednesday!!! I like to jump in on these Let's Look link-ups when I can, and this one is definitely a different kind of topic!! 

When I told Pierce about this topic, he laughed and started naming all of the things he thought would be considered my "pet peeves," but mainly most were things that I can be particular about haha But really, when it comes to these, I don't really consider myself having very many, especially when it comes to other people. 

I'm a middle child, a peacemaker, and honestly don't get frustrated very often, and hardly ever at the expense of others, but there were three that both of us agreed take me from a really great place to a very frustrated place pretty quickly 😂  So I thought those are the three that would make this post today... So, without further-ado, here's a little insight into my brain (and Pierce's too at the bottom!!)

1. This is the one that immediately came to my mind and the first one Pierce mentioned too... 

Turning on a lamp only to have the lightbulb burn out... 

I don't know why, but for some reason, it doesn't matter where I am in the house or what time of day it is, this will seriously just deplete my energy and great mood in a matter of seconds...milliseconds even 😂 I think it's just because every. time. it catches me off-guard. 
And we love lamps around here... I have too many to count in every room of our house. But usually, you're turning on a lamp it's because you actually need to see something or need extra light or you are just turning on a cozy mood in the morning or evening, and no matter which is the case, it is just so frustrating to me to have it go out when you flip that little switch... We have a stash of lightbulbs in our garage and even a few in our kitchen for such a time as these, but sheesh... It's embarrassing to say that it still gets me... 

2. This is another one that depletes me, a little slower, but it can get the best of me sometimes too... 

When something doesn't fit... I know, it sounds crazy, but if I'm putting something away or storing something, packing something, stacking something, you name it, and it doesn't fit, I lose steam quickly. I think usually this happens when I know it *did* fit or I thought it *would* fit and then it's just not working... 
This a picture when I was cleaning out about a million things in our living room cabinet, which you can read a little bit more here. But there is one cabinet in our kitchen in particular that used to cause me severe stress every time I would try to put something back and couldn't get it to fit... I'm talking cookie sheets, cheese graters, just a random assortment of odd sized objects... It's almost a running joke now, but goodness it's just like a slow simmer until I have to take a step back and remember the outside world in comparison to my tiny little problem of something not fitting... And we have since organized that cabinet, which has been the most helpful!! But this one came pretty quickly to both of us as well haha

3. And lastly... 

This one also usually causes me to lose all of my great momentum of an amazing day... Sticky. Stickiness. Anywhere and everywhere. On our table, on our counter, on the bananas that I pick up at the grocery store... And this is coming from a girl who spent five years in the classroom and three of those with children five and under and also has a one year old in the house, but it still gets me. Especially if it's in a spot I'm not expecting it... 
Pierce laughs sometimes, but I pretty much use this stuff all day every day, especially in our kitchen. And I'm also extra careful when I pick up bananas at the grocery store as well because those little guys will serious get you when you're least expecting it and then you have sticky hands while you're shopping 🤦🏼‍♀️ hahaha

And really that about does it for me...three things that deplete a great day pretty quickly... For Pierce, we came up with technology not working correctly - definitely a cause of a serious momentum shift. 😂 And he would say this mainly applies to me, but I have a bad habit of sometimes not finishing every sentence I start, which I think might drive him mad eventually...although I will say we've both gotten better about this hahaha And lastly, he has a love for eating his food when it's warm...or drinking his coffee when it's hot...and it's always a struggle if it gets cold too quickly... Should we look into one of those temperature control mugs?! Now that I'm typing this and thinking about these, maybe!! Hahaha those are the three that definitely take the cake for him though... 

And there you have it - a little deep dive into the Riddicks over here!!! Hope you feel like you know us maybe a little bit better now hahaha What are yours?! I can't wait to hear! This question always fascinates me...while simultaneously makes me so aware of every move I make as the peacemaker in me doesn't ever want to stir up someone else's pet peeve haha Thanks for reading today and following along with our little family! Just a fun and light topic for your Wednesday morning. Thanks Shay and Erika for the fun blog link-up!

I'll plan on being back here in the morning! 
Here's to having a great day even if the light bulb burns out on you or you grab a sticky banana at the grocery store! 😉


  1. Your pet peeves made me LOL!!

    Mine (as you'll see are mainly home cleanliness things lol!!) -
    1. DISHES IN THE SINK. the dishwasher is RIGHT there. put it in there after you wash it instead of setting it down in the sink.
    2. Laundry sitting in the dryer. drives me insane. my husband will tumble it 5 more times before taking it out to extend it's life in the dryer and i cannot. it needs to come out and get folded immediately LOL
    3. When I go to use something and we're out - like ranch, ketchup, thought we had ground beef and we don't, mac n cheese, milk. etc. if we're out it needs to go on the list asap so we can get it. otherwise i'll reach for it when we're out lol!!

    1. Hahaha YES!!! I can relate to all of these 😂 Your husband's dryer trick made ma laugh!! Also totally relate to things being out and dishes in the sink! I've learned it's hard for me to go to sleep nowadays with dishes in the sink!! Ah thanks for sharing all of these!!!!


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!