Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Titans Family 5K

This past weekend, we completed one of our goals this year as a family and ran a 5k, stroller and all!! 
As we sat down in January and thought about the year ahead, we made a list of a few goals that we'd love to complete throughout the year, and running a 5k as a family made the list! We didn't think much of it the first half of the year, but as summer rolled around, we started adding in some runs and actually started to really love it. 

We looked up 5ks that we might be able to make work, and the Titans 5k seemed to work perfectly. It was such a fun day, so family-friendly, the weather was true perfection, and it was fun to do something with this little fam! 
We were up and at'em early, as the race started at 7am. Jane couldn't hang with the sun in this picture, but it was around 70ΒΊ that morning with a slight breeze and felt like heaven! 
So fun to be working out with this guy so early in the morning again!!
Off to the races - truly a beautiful morning! 
The course was beautiful too and ran through downtown, with so many pretty shots of the sunrise, the stadium and so many iconic "Nashville" buildings. 
The finish line was accompanied by a drum-line as we ran out the Titans tunnel onto the field to finish on the 50 yard line! 
Jane was loving the music they were playing and waving to all the people running across the finish line. I think she was truly mesmerized by so many faces and all the activity so early on a Saturday πŸ˜‚ 
We finished and Jane was loving some time on the field running around after she had watched everyone else run! 
I love doing fun things with this guy! This was a first for us, but I have a feeling there might be a few more in our future!! 
We grabbed our t-shirts and headed to breakfast at our very favorite Milk & Honey!! It was such a fun morning and one for the books!! 

We loved getting to check off a yearly goal for the Riddicks and enjoy some exercise on the most beautiful Saturday! Also, if you're looking for a fun family-friendly 5K in Nashville, we loved this one so much!! I'm sure we'll be back in years to come!! 

Thanks for following along in this *small* running journey of ours and checking off a 2023 bucket-list goal! Hope everyone is having fun working on theirs too as we make our way through this year! 

I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!! Here's to celebrating the big things, enjoying the little things, and soaking in all the moments in-between!! 
Lots of love! 


  1. OMG Jane's wave is everything LOL!!! So sweet!

    1. Hahaha!! I know! That is her go-to whenever she hears music/sees people πŸ˜‚ So glad they captured it when we were by the finish line!


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!