Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Things I Want to Remember About This Summer...

Happy Tuesday!! Well, as August is coming to a close, which I truly can't believe, I thought it might be fun to write a little post about this past summer. It felt daunting to me, as I couldn't possibly remember and post every fun memory and picture, but I sat down, brainstormed a little list, scrolled through a few pictures I had favorites, and thus, this post was born. 
I'm sure I have forgotten big things and little moments, and maybe I'll add them as I come across others, but for now, here is a list of things I want to remember about this summer. 

This summer was a special one... 

It was our first summer with Jane really up and active. Last summer, she was three months old, and we were still figuring SO much out... Don't get me wrong, we were still figuring a lot out this summer, but it felt like we were standing on at least a little more solid ground 😉 

We weren't going through job changes or packing up or setting up a classroom or praying through job decisions for Pierce, as many of our past summers have been full of. The farthest we traveled was up to Louisville and to DC for a weekend, so we got to spend lots of summer nights and weekends at home, which we loved. 

We had a few goals and projects we were working on, but nothing major, and that seemed to make the days a lot more free and fun. Tutoring slowed way down, and I took more time off than I normally do in the summer, which also helped it feel way more filled with family. 

It was just a sweet summer. Filled with lots of good and lots of joy, and also lots of moments with family and friends that sent us to our knees too. It's one we don't want to forget, and I thought this would be a sweet place to remember a few of the moments that made it so special... So without further ado, here is a little look at summer 2023...

Things I Want to Remember About This Summer:

1. Our evening runs. 

This one was so surprising and really wasn't planned. I had made a running goal for June, and my last long run of the month, we were in Louisville and Pierce came with me. I think we both realized how much we loved it. He pushed me to go faster, we loved being able to chat and get some time in days that seem full of work and always on to the next "thing," and we loved the outside fresh air and exercise we were getting at the same time. We started meeting at the park when Pierce got off work, and even though it pushed dinner and *sometimes* Jane's bedtime by the time everything was said and done, it was always so worth it for us. And we got to celebrate at our 5K and check off a yearly goal all at the same time! It's a part of the summer I hope to always remember...

2. Jane grabbing her water and snack and following me out the door. 

Honestly, this little routine was one of the reasons this post was born. I just wanted to remember these precious moments of her grabbing her things and walking out the door with me. It was so new at the beginning of the season, and now it's just part of our routine. She's getting so big so quickly and I love it and want it to slow down all at the same time. I can hardly believe I used to carry her out the car in a carseat sometimes...goodness. Time goes fast!! 

3. Small group dinners. 

Goodness. We've been making dinner for small group every other Monday night for almost four years now. And this fall, it looks a little different as our group is growing and families and kids and babies are added and our church's prayer of multiplication is being answered, but I will ALWAYS treasure these sweet nights of home-cooked meals, stretching me and Pierce and using most of pots, pans and dishes 😂 What a blessing it has been and continues to be though!! 

 4. Going to do a "chair check" with Jane. 

This one cracks me up. But we moved a dining room table into our home that had been passed down in the family and in our garage for the last year or so. When we set it up though, we quickly realized that we would need chairs at some point... I took my one desk chair that I had and moved it over, and we immediately loved it. I knew I had seen others come in every so often at HomeGoods, so I went and checked and there happened to be ONE waiting. Now, if you know HomeGoods, you know they just get random assortment of things, furniture, etc, and usually you can't just go online and "order" more. So, the "chair check" was born. 

Many days, this was a morning errand for us. We'd make our way over to HomeGoods and just see if perchance our chairs were in. And it was ALWAYS an exciting day if we found one. We are still on the search for one or two more (and if you're in Nashville and happen to see one, feel free to send me a message and we will be on our way 😂), but this really has been a favorite errand for me and Jane.  A random and fun memory I hope I don't forget about in this season!

5. Her little animal noises. 

This sweet little one started out with learning and knowing what a "doggy" says, and most of her life right now is an iSpy for every dog in town or in neighborhood, or on the cover of books she sees on shelves in our guest room hahaha But her collection grew to include an elephant and now she has quite a few sounds down, and they always just make me smile. 

6. Her love for helping me in the kitchen and around the house. 

She's really turned into quite the helper these days, and I just love it. She's eager to watch and do, and it helps that I can get "house things" done with her up and at'em and helping. She's started finding our little broom on her own these days and carrying it around to "sweep" our floors, and it just makes me smile!

7. Pierce coming home for lunch. 

We are in a season where Pierce works really close to home, and it is such a fun and usually unexpected blessing when he gets to come home in the middle of the day for lunch! I love it, and as you can tell, Jane always loves seeing him too!! 😍

8. Starting art projects with Jane. 

This has been so fun and a way that I have been able to get my little "teaching fill" with the youngers. I have a bulletin board in our study/playroom that I've been trying to change out with a little art project from Jane, even if it's just a simple little handprint or footprint. I love the creativity, the fun, the mess, the sometimes "that went horribly wrong" feeling when trying to do something new with paint 😂 It takes me back and has been a fun little addition this summer. It's a goal to get more kiddos over here to join in on these soon. 

9. Her little white sandals. 

I ordered these white sandals for her this summer, not knowing too much about what would be best for her to wear throughout these hot days, but they have been the perfect shoe, and I think she has worn them every day. I hope I will always remember her little self in these precious little white sandals this summer. 

10. Summer date nights with Pierce. 

These have been so fun. We've gone to dinner several times, had a fun night out at a baseball game, stayed our first night away in Nashville and have really just tried to soak in these summer evenings when we could. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends in Nashville who make this possible, and for Aunt Audrey for loving on Jane so much for us too!! 

11. Reading through the Bible with Pierce. 

This has been a fun one this year. It's been another year long goal of reading through it. We have done this several times before, and it is always a challenge, but always so rewarding. This year we have a sweet little one who joins us sometimes, and reading in this season is something I definitely want to remember...

12. My days being a mom. 

I almost have tears typing this one, as I don't take these days for granted. I know so many have and are longing to be a mom, and sometimes as I'm smack in the middle of my day with Jane, I will just say a prayer that everyone can have this joy. That the Lord really will bless all those longing to be a mom. I try to thank Him every single day, multiple times a day, for the blessing that I get to be Jane's mom. Even in the harder moments, I consider it such a privilege, and I know it's His utter grace to me and a little the way I'm wired, but I truly LOVE these days. I love my days with Jane, and I am so grateful for the blessing of getting to be home with her. I want to just bottle up these days and somehow try to remember them forever...

Goodness, I just really love this girl, and I just really loved this summer. I don't want it to end, but at the same time, I love fall and am eager for all that this next season will hold too...

Summer 2023, I hope I will always remember how special you were!!! Thanking the Lord for these many blessings today. Thanks for journeying along with me, and I hope your summer has held just as many and more memories that you'll treasure. We are about ready for you, fall!! 

I'll look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow!
Lots of love!

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