Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday Thoughts...

Hello there Wednesday!! Today, I thought I would just sit and write out some of my random thoughts. Thoughts that came to mind, things I want to remember, a few things I'm loving - just a random assortment for your Wednesday morning this August... 
1. The past two mornings have been truly magical weather wise. Yesterday, Jane and I sat on our porch in 70ΒΊ weather with a slight breeze and it had me dreaming of everything fall a tiny bit too early. 

2. I have always liked running (minus a small season of cross country in high school that was a serious struggle for this tennis girl hahaha), but it's been something that has come and gone in my routine... In college, I made a goal to run 100 miles one semester, and that was a fun goal that stretched me and challenged me, but these past few months, it's become something that I really have come to love. I have usually always listened to audio books or podcasts, but running with Pierce has been a way to catch up on our days and add in a little more time together into our busy days (while Jane is somewhere safe and secure in the stroller πŸ˜‰), and I've really loved it. 

3. House projects and yard projects... Goodness, in my mind, the possibilities never end. I always look around and think about the projects I'd love to tackle. Myquillyn Smith has helped me reframe my house project goals a little, which has been so fun to learn her thought process on them, but I still have a running list in my head of everything I'd love to do "one day..." Maybe we'll tackle another soon, but until then, I'll just be over here continuing to dream...

4. Jane has started actually walking on a few of our neighborhood walks with me/us. She has been loving it, and while my walks look drastically different than pushing the stroller, slowing *way* down has been a sweet practice for me. We've been praying for our neighbors as we walk past their houses, stopping to look at every flower that is Jane's height and knocking on neighbor's doors who might be home in the morning also with their littles. It's something I don't want to forget about this sweet and short season, and in a culture of go, go, go, it's been nice to slow it down a little...

5. I'm grateful for Monday nights. In January 2020, Pierce and I decided to officially start a small group that we had been praying about since we got married. We cooked taco salad, set up two small tables we had in the study, set out a hodgepodge of chairs, said a prayer and opened our doors. We had a two couples and a friend or two that had agreed to start it with us, and since then, every first and third Monday of the month, we have watched it ebb and flow, grow and change. We couldn't have imagined all that the Lord would do with those Monday nights and the community that He would provide through it, but my are we grateful. We sat with our co-leaders two nights ago praying about the upcoming year and all the change we know that's inevitably in store as it continues to ebb and flow, and I am just trying to soak in the gratefulness I feel for the season we've been in and the sweetness that these Monday nights have brought in our lives... (All the while trying to tell myself, a girl who change is sometimes hard for, that change is good and can be just as sweet and fruitful.)

6. Organizing. I don't know if it's back-to-school or fall on the horizon, but I find myself itching for a little more organization in certain parts of our house... Watch out September goals, I may be coming for you with all of this desire for some purging and organizing... 

7. A Family calendar. We use and love our apple calendar. It's a great way for both me and Pierce to add and share and collaborate and know what the day holds for each of us and our family, but we have been talking about a way to see several months at a time in a glance. We recently screen-shotted the fall semester and used the mark-up tool to try to get a big picture, but we've talked about adding a little acrylic or dry erase one to our laundry room that we can edit and change. If anyone has one that they love or has been using, I'd love to hear too!! 

8. And lastly, I've been making a point every morning to list a few of the things I'm thankful for in my prayer journal, and it really does start my day off in such a sweet way. I've done this in different seasons, but it's a great little practice with a big impact that I'm glad to be back doing right now... 

And there you have it. A few Wednesday thoughts for your morning! I'd love to hear any and all of yours too. Your comments and emails always make me so thankful for this little space and the blessing of this blog. Thanks for following along! 

I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!

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