Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May Goals

Happy Tuesday!!! I can't believe we are already over half way through this sweet month!! Today I thought it would be fun to post a few goals for this month and take a look back on April's goals too!!

May has already been full to the brim, but we always love this fun month! April was full too, and we can't believe JUNE is just around the corner!! Here's a little look back on some of our April goals... 

1. Finish Jane's Room. 
This was the BEST and most fun little project, and I think it might be everyone's current favorite room in the house. :) Jane is now sleeping in her "cozy bed," and we're so thankful for this little space!! You can find a few more pictures of this sweet room here. :) 

2. Host Jane's 2nd Birthday Party. 
Oh, we loved this sweet morning celebrating Jane with her little "Tea for Two" birthday party. Jane still talks about that fun day! You can find a few more pictures and snapshots of that sweet morning here

3. Plan Pierce's 30th Birthday Trip. 
Goodness, April ended on such a fun high note of getting to celebrate Pierce and spend a little time away before this second little one gets here. You can read a little bit more about that sweet weekend here, but we are so thankful for all of the sunshine and salty air we got to soak up!! 

And now onto May...

This month just feels full as it always does, but a little extra full with knowing we have a big transition coming up with welcoming our second... 

1. Finish our May calendar events well. 
It has felt like we have had SO many fun, but big calendar events... From both of our birthdays, to Mother's Day, to the last Discipleship Group at our house, our end of the year summer grill-out for Small Group, a little shower for Baby #2, a few church events, meetings, and dinners, and the end of the school year tutoring. It has felt like a lot, but we've been trying to finish everything well, so we can take the month of June to simply be and enjoy where the Lord has us! 

2. Clean out garage. 

This is a big one, but one that we know will be a blessing to us this summer. We are going to switch around Jane's carseat and add our baby carseat, and really need a little extra room on the side of our garage, so we've donated a few things, sold a few things, and are on the home-stretch of a cleaned-out garage! Hopefully we can finish in the next few days! 

3. Finish Baby #2 Prep. 

And goodness, this just feels like a big one, but one that incorporates a few big things and lots of little things. We are switching Jane's closet over, making sure we have all the tiny little newborn things ready, ordering a few things we need doubles of, and then the other miscellaneous items that have made their way on our prep list. (Would love any and all tips out there too of things to think about in this transition as well!) 

And really that about does it for our list of goals for this month. Our biggest one has just been soaking up ALL the time of the having little Jane around with the two of us. It feels like a big transition coming, but one we're excited for and thankful to the Lord for! I would love to know what your May has held this month too - goals that you've completed and ones you're still working on too!! 

Thanks for following along and here's to the last week and a half of May being the most productive!! 

I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!
Sending lots of love!

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