Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Life Lately 5.7.24

Happy Tuesday!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend and start to the week!! May is a busy month for us over here and this week is no exception, but we are looking forward to all that's on our calendar! Today I thought I would just share a few snapshots from our Life Lately. It's been busy, fun and full and here are just a few little snapshots from our days recently! 
I convinced them take a little picture with me after church and small group on Sunday - we were tired from a long day, but couldn't love those days, this little growing family and the season more though and love documenting it all when I can!!
Jane's been enjoying Daddy's new "office" and loves to pretend she's "going to work" all the time 😂 
Pierce and I got to sneak in a few date nights in April and grabbed a milkshake on the way home one night - one of our very favorite treats!! 
This little one has joined us a morning or two for our workout - we've been loving the virtual CG workouts recently! 
Getting up bright and early is always worth it with him!! 
We've been going on lots of neighborhood walks still...we are close to finishing our 100 miles before the baby!
Jane's been a BIG helper in the kitchen recently, and I love having her around helping with meals and fun treats!
We've had lots and lots of afternoons and evenings out with the neighbors playing and riding bikes!! 
Pierce has been getting to live out his undercover love of working on our cars recently and did our tune-up before our drive to Destin last week! Always so impressed!! 
This little one has been so fun to run errands with recently and is always a helper! 
A little shopping with Mom before our beach trip 😂 
We loved getting to stop in Birmingham again on our way to the beach! A city we love so much!! 
And of course just loved, loved, loved our weekend at the beach!! 
Being back home with this girl has been just as sweet though!!
And we loved getting to cheer on Daddy and one of his best friends at a pickleball tournament this past weekend to support one of our favorite ministries! 
The girls LOVED cheering on their Daddys! 
And we loved watching too!! This little friend group of four is about to be eight when our little second arrives (little Baby Jada was sleeping behind the camera), and we couldn't love getting to live life with this sweet family more!!
But really we've just loved cozying up on this couch soaking in this last month as a family of three!! I can't believe we are four weeks out!! 

Those are just a few snapshots from our life lately!! Hope your days have been full of sweet little moments and simple joys too!! Thanks as always for following along!! Here's to always enjoying the little things, celebrating the big things and soaking in all the moments in-between!! 

I'll plan to see you back here tomorrow!!
Sendings lots of love! 


  1. Looks like lots of fun! Happy month before baby!!!

    1. Oh thanks, Alisha!!! We are trying to soak it all up! I can't believe it's next month!!!


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