Well, I figured it was definitely time to share a few January Goals on here, as I know it is nearing the end of the month...even though January ALWAYS feels like such a long month. I always joke that the Riddicks thrive in January and summer, and every year I am reminded how true that feels. January is always such a good reset and refresh, and coming off of Christmas Break every year, it just feels like it propels us into the start of the year.
Today I thought I'd share a few of our January Goals along with a few bigger goals for the year. My mom always laughs about my goal-driven personality, and Pierce always jokes that it's the answer he would give if someone asked what is something you love and drives you cray about your spouse at the same time time hahaha (Think convincing him to take a mile long walk with me on completely icy roads simply to make sure I complete my January Goal 😂) Usually, once I've set my mind on a goal, I really do try hard to accomplish it. I think it's the "J" in me in the Meyer's Briggs, but I love a completed task, and these goals are no exceptions. So here a few for your January, and I'd love to hear yours too!!