Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Favorites - Date Nights, Birthday Cards, and Simple Days at Home

It's FRIDAY!! Happy weekend!!! I can't believe we are entering the LAST weekend of February... Goodnessssss, 2024 seems to be flying by over here!! Today I just have a few favorites from our past week - little snapshots and moments that became favorites!! I hope you are loving simple joys from your week as well!! Here are a few for your Friday morning!!

Last Thursday, we had a sweet neighbor (who happens to be one of Jane's favorite people ever) come over while Pierce and I snuck away for a little dinner out. We hadn't had grains for the month of January and had only introduced sourdough back in, so it was fun getting to visit our favorite neighborhood Sushi place for some rice and my favorite avocado rolls! Crazy enough, we didn't even take a picture, but I snapped one after we put Jane down that night watching our show. Thursday nights are definitely a favorite over here!! 

Jane has a sweet friend in her nursery class at church who had a birthday this past week, so while I was getting ready, I let Jane color a little picture for him.
This was absolutely a favorite for her. She picked out all the colors she used, and her carrying into church to give to him was just about the sweetest too!! 

A cozy Saturday night with the fire on and a good book?! Sign me up!! We love nights like this so much!!

And lastly, these simple days at home will just always, always be at the top of my favorites!! Playing with Jane during the mornings...
Wearing out our neighborhood roads with many, many walks...
"Chatting" on Daddy's phone on a Saturday morning...this made me laugh because it reminded me of the thousand times I've "checked to see if we have something" in the fridge while Pierce was at the store hahaha 

And lastly, a favorite for sure is reading through the Bible again this year with Pierce. If Jane is up early, she always just joins us, sometimes with toys and books and sometimes with her own little Bible, but it's a blessing for us all to be in the Word each morning and definitely always a favorite around here!!

And those are just a few of the little simple joys that I'm thankful for this week!! Jane and I are off to do our Friday morning cleaning and enjoy this fun and beautiful weather filled weekend!! I hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend too!! And thanks Erika and Andrea for the fun blog link-up!

I'll plan to see you back here Tuesday!! 
Lots of love!


  1. I LOVE reading about your sweet little (growing) family!! ❣️

    1. Alinda, thanks for this sweet comment!!! So thankful for you and your encouragement and always love seeing your name!!! Thanks so much for reading and following along ☺️❤️

  2. It sounds like a great date night and Jane writing the card out is just the sweetest.
    Simple days at home are just the best.

    1. Oh thank you, Kim!! I totally agree about simple days being just the very best!!! Hope you all have such a great weekend!!!


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