Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Three Things - February Edition

Happy Wednesday!!! I thought it would be fun to do another edition of Three Things - just three random, fun things that are going on with all three (really, four 😉) of us recently!! You can take a look at all of our other Three Things here, but here are a few for your February!! 

For Sweet Little Jane... 
1. Drawing 

I think this girl could draw all day every day if she had the means. Whether it's her drawing pad, my tutoring notebook, a coloring book or simply a post-it, she loves any and all forms of drawings, and I love watching her little creativeness shine even at a such a little age!! 

2. Dance Parties 

This girl LOVES herself a good dance party. Pretty much every day while Pierce and I are making dinner, she will come in and say, "Ggg Dayyy" and begs us to play Good Day. We happened upon this song one day, and it almost immediately became Jane's number one song 😂 She will say, "Peeese mooor Daaay" as it's about to end, but she always loves dancing in our study/playroom. Those memories have definitely become some of my favorite. 

3. Counting Bears. 

I got these little bears out last fall when I was looking for something she could sort with color wise, and let me tell you, they have become maybe her favorite toys in the house. She counts them, pours them, lines them up, sorts them, puts them in Dixie cups, big cups, small cups, you name it, these bears are her best friends these days hahaha 

1. Coding 

Pierce has gotten into coding at work, and it's amazing to watch him create something out of truly nothing. It really is like he's learning a new language, but he's been loving it and it's been so fun to watch. 

2. Workouts

We've started working out again in the mornings, and it has been the best. We love starting our mornings together, and we love even more when they get to start early enough for a workout. It's been hard to find a good rhythm since we had Jane, but we are thankful for a few weeks now of a fun new routine!

3. Memorizing James

Pierce has a goal to memorize James the first few months of this year, and I've decided to tag along with him. Whenever we memorize good sections of Scripture, it is always so encouraging in so many different aspects of life!

Tab (And Baby Riddick #2!) 
1. 25 weeks this week!!

We are just a few weeks shy of the third trimester over here, and I kind of can't believe it. Time needs to slow down just a little bit if we are going to have everything ready for this little one come June. But we are thankful for this little life and excited to get to meet him or her very soon!! 

2. 50 miles! 

I have a goal to walk 100 miles before the baby and 100 miles after, and I can't believe that we are already half way! It's been so fun to get outside most days, and Jane loves taking her little baby and a snack and seeing all that there is to see. Add a friend and a walk at the park, and I'm loving it all the more!! 

3. Evenings Outside

I told Pierce the other day just about my favorite thing ever is spending an evening outside with a fun sparkling water or drink of some sort, just enjoying the cool breeze and sunset. Even in this month of February, we've gotten a few evenings that feel like spring and summer, and they have been the highlight for sure. I couldn't love those spring and summer evenings more!! Add some fresh cut grass and tulips blooming, and I'm in heaven. 

And there you have it...just a little quick update for Wednesday!! I hope everyone is having the best week!!! Thanks as always for following along, and I'll plan on seeing you back here tomorrow!!

Sending lots of love! 

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