Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What's Up Wednesday [February 2024]

Happy Wednesday!!! And THREE YEARS of The Riddick Family Blog!! I can't believe this little space has been up and running for three years now - what a fun joy and blessing it has been!! I have a little spot at the end if you have any Q&As - I thought it would be a fun post soon to celebrate three years! But today I wanted to hop on the blog link-up for What's Up Wednesday - a little bit of everything that we've been up to recently!! I hope your February has been full of many blessings as well!! Here's just a little look back on ours!! 

What We've Been Eating:
We were loving lots of Valentine's Day snacks this month!
These little treats were so yummy!!
Still lots of fruits and vegetables... 
And sourdough has been a big part of our February over here... 
From loaves of bread... 
To homemade bagels that Pierce tried one morning... We couldn't love it more, and can't recommend enough  Laura Lives the Good Life and her amazing starter!! 
So, so yummy!!

What We're Reminiscing About:
Two years ago almost exactly, we were celebrating sweet Baby Jane with a few amazing showers that were such a blessing to us!! You can read more about them here, but we will always remember those few weeks with such sweet memories!! 

What We're Loving:
This season. Just over here trying to soak it all in and not blink at the same time... 

What We've Been Up To:
Lots of neighborhood walks... 
We've been loving the fresh air and sunshine!!!
Simple days at home...sign. me. up. 
More walks and fresh air... 
And lots of time at the park!! I love them all!!

What We're Dreading:

Goodness, we are so excited for the warmer weather that's on the horizon, but the pollen that comes along with it always gives me a run for my money!! Hoping it won't be too bad this year because I LOVE when I can start opening up all the windows and doors to let in the fresh springtime air!! 

What We're Working On:
Jane and I have been loving the crafts this year, especially all the pink, red and purple this month!! 
Goodness, I love working on these little crafts. I used to have a classroom full of handprints and crafts, but now I love seeing them in our house too. 
They always make me smile!! If you want to take a look at a few we made this month, you can find them here

What We're Excited About:

We've been working on going through all of our upstairs to shift some rooms around, and I can't wait to start painting/working on Jane's "New Room" this next month!! It's always so fun to start designing a room, and I'm excited for another project for sure!!

What We've Been Watching/Reading:
Well, we've been loving cozy nights with our kindles these days. I am reading the third in a series by Liz Johnson, Pierce just finished The Last of the Mohicans, and we are both loving working toward our reading goals this year! 

We've also been loving our Next Level Chef this season and are excited about the Survivor Premiere tonight too. There are just a few shows that we'll try to catch up on over the weekend or on a date night on our laptop and those are definitely two of them!! 

What We've Been Listening To:

Jane has started reading the Bible "out loud" with us at the table in the morning after breakfast sometimes, and it is truly my favorite thing in the world to hear and see. "Wijuwaw" is her current phrase for when she "reads" out loud. I hope I never forget her little voice as she "follows along with us."

What We've Been Wearing:
We had all the pink out for the month of February and couldn't have loved it more!! 

What We're Doing This Weekend:
We have a simple weekend at home ahead, and we can't wait!! We have a few projects upstairs that will hopefully cross the finish line this weekend, which we're thankful for as well!!! 

What We're Looking Forward To Next Month:
Just when we thought Jane had her last flight as a "lap child," we have one more on the books for next month to see Pierce's family, and Jane can't wait to spend a few days with her sweet cousin Lucy!! 

What We're Thankful For:
Just really thankful for this blog and this little space it has become. It's so fun to share in the Lord's blessing and have a little scrapbook for our family as well. 
As we celebrate three years today, I thought it would be fun to do a Q&A in the next week or so, so if you have any questions feel free to leave them here!! 

And that really about wraps up a little look at February over here... We are excited for a bonus day tomorrow and can't believe March is just on the horizon!! Thanks Shay and Sheaffer for the fun blog link-up today!! 

I'll plan on seeing you back here tomorrow!!
Lots of blessings, 


  1. Happy Blog Anniversary! Looks like you had an awesome month. All of your homemade treats look so good! Got me wanting to bake now haha! Enjoy your day!!

    1. Thanks so much, Morgan!! And I always feel the same seeing homemade goodies!!! Hope you get to enjoy the weekend and maybe bake some :) thanks for reading!!!

  2. Happy Blog-iversary, Tabitha!! Hope you keep going for a long time. You're a bright spot in the blog world!!

    1. Oh Alinda, thank you for this!! That encouragement means more than you know. I feel the exact same about your blog ☺️🥰 Thanks so much for reading and for your words too!!

  3. Oh how fun! I can’t wait to see Jane’s new room and the space for the new baby!! Can’t believe how close you’re getting!! 🥰🥰

    1. ^Alisha not anonymous lol!

    2. Ahh thanks Alisha!! It's turned into a whole clean-out of upstairs, but it's been good to do!! Can't wait to post some updates soon!! And I KNOW! The countdown is definitely getting closer!! I'm sure I'll be taking all the notes soon☺️🥰


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!