Friday, February 9, 2024

Friday Favorites - Park Days, Craft Mornings, and FaceTimes

HAPPY FRIDAY!! This week seemed to truly fly by over here... We loved all the amazing weather and are already looking forward to spring on the horizon!! I just have a few favorites for your Friday - I hope everyone has had a great week and has loved finding simple joys throughout their weeks as well!! Here are a few of ours!! 

Park days are absolutely a favorite around here...especially on sunny February days!!! Sign us up for all the mornings spent outside!!
I was thinking back to last February and truly cannot believe that this was a year ago!!! She has obviously always loved the park!! Hahaha

I just love craft mornings with this little one too. This week we broke out all the pink, purple and red paint and I taught her how to cut out little hearts... 

We experimented with a few fun designs, and I can't wait to share a few next weeks!! 

This little one was dying to talk to "Nana and Papa" the other night while we were cooking dinner, so we called them and a few minutes later, she carried my phone along with her two water cups to her little table and was just chatting with them both like she was a teenager... It made me laugh... So thankful for this little one's relationship with her grandparents that's for sure!! 

Another favorite that I've mentioned before, but I always love to point people to is "Laura Lives the Good Life" Sourdough Starter and Cookbook! We started our starter this past summer and have truly loved it!! And this past week, we experimented with some bagels from her cookbook and goodness, I think they were the best bagels I've ever had!!! I can't recommend it enough if you're thinking about trying some homemade baked goods!! 

And last, but not least, a favorite is always Super Bowl weekend. We are headed up to "Nana and Papa's house" to watch the game with them, and although we're sad the Bucs aren't in it this year, we're looking forward to a sweet weekend for sure!! 

And that about wraps it up for just a few favorites around here this week. We are traveling back on Monday, so I'll try to be back here on Tuesday, but I'll definitely be back Wednesday!! I can't believe we are already so close to Valentine's Day!! Hope everyone has such a wonderful weekend!!! And thanks Erika and Andrea for the fun blog link-up!

Lots of blessings!! 


  1. Do you have a crock you store your sourdough starter in? I'm looking to start and not sure what's the best container to store it in. Thanks!

    1. Hey!! We actually use a wide mouth mason jar! We love the 32 oz and it has always worked perfectly!! There are so many cute crocks though :) I hope you start soon and love it!!!

  2. Aww! It looks like you had a lovely time at the park. I used to love taking my girls when they were little.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Aww I love that, Kim!!! I am trying hard to soak up these sweet park days ☺️🥰 Hope you had a great weekend as well!!!


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