Friday, October 25, 2024

Friday Favorites - Hobby Lobby, Lunches Together and Our Neighborhood

Happy Friday!! It's hard to believe, but this weekend, we will celebrate 6 years of marriage!! October 27th is a special one on the calendar, and we are excited for the weekend of celebrating!! It sure looks different with two little ones, but we couldn't be more thankful for this sweet little season of life!! Today I just have a few little snapshots and favorites for your Friday!! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and finding simple and small joys in your day as well!! Here are a few of ours from the week!!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Frame This Moment - Movie Night On the Porch

Happy Thursday!! Today's Frame This Moment was from this past weekend and a tradition that we loved continuing!! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Four Months!!

Well, this past weekend we celebrated this little one turning FOUR months, and I thought I'd share a little about this sweet boy today!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Jackson's Orchard 2024

Happy Tuesday!!! A few weekends ago, we got to take a trip to our very favorite Jackson's Orchard, and I thought I would share a few favorites from the day!! 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Friday Favorites - Picnics, Cookies and Bible Studies

HAPPY FRIDAY in the FALL!! The best kinds of Fridays... We are loving these October weekends and are looking forward to seeing friends, having our small group over and soaking in this amazing weather!! Today I just have a few simple joys for your Friday!! I know they are all over our days, and it's fun to just pick a few to share!! I hope your October days have been just as sweet! Here's a few snapshots for your morning!! 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Frame This Moment - Chilly Morning Walks

Well, there are two Frame This Moments today because both were just so sweet from the week and ones I wanted to remember... 

Frame This Moment - After School Chats

Happy Thursday!!! Well, I couldn't let this week pass without putting this sweet picture into the archives... 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October Goals

Happy Wednesday!!! Well, we are half way through October - how did that even happen?! And I thought today would be a fun day to share a few October Goals! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Jane's First Day 🍎

Well, today is definitely a frame this moment kind of day. We didn't expect this little one to have a first day of "school" this year, but the Lord had other plans. There is a sweet church here in town that offered Jane their open spot for their sweet two year old's class, and after a lot of prayer, we decided to send her, and and goodness was she excited!!  

Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Favorites - Reading, Apples, and Fall

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Oh, we are so glad the weekend is here!!! It's been a fun week over here, and I thought I would share just a few small favorites with you today! 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Frame This Moment - Pure Childhood.

Happy Thursday!! Today's Frame This Moment is just a simple moment in time from an evening this week, and one that I hope to remember about this little season... 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Let's Look - Prepping for the Holidays

Happy Wednesday!! I thought I would jump on board with the Let's Look link-up today! I love talking about the holidays over here, and even though Pierce always says October is too early to talk about them, I think it's the perfect month!! You have a month of perfect fall, a month of sweet Thanksgiving, and a month of cozy Christmas! What could be better!! 

Ok, here are just a few thoughts on prepping for these sweet and fun months!!! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Snapshots from the Beach 2024

Happy Tuesday!! I hope everyone had a great weekend!! I thought today would be a fun day to share some snapshots from our trip to the beach a few weeks ago. My family has been going to the beach in the fall since I was little and now it is so fun to be able to bring Jane and Andy too!! This year, unfortunately, we had to cut our trip short due to Hurricane Helene, but we are thankful for the few wonderful days we had.

We are still keeping everyone affected from Hurricane Helene in our prayers and also now Hurricane Milton. I know it has been a hard few weeks for so many. 

Here are just a few little snapshots from this year!! If you want to take a look at years past, you can find 2023 here and 2022 here

But without further ado, here is 2024. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Favorites - October, Smiles, and These Littles

HAPPY FRIDAY!! Goodness, it's been a long time since I've been here for Friday Favorites, but I'm happy to be back!! Life has just been full to the brim, but I feel like I always find a few small favorites every day, so here are just a few from this week!! 

I hope everyone has such a wonderful Friday and weekend!! 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Frame This Moment - Sunset at the Beach

Happy Thursday and Frame This Moment Day!!! Today's came from our sweet beach trip with my family last week and one that I would love to actually frame too... 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

10 Fun Fall Things

Happy Wednesday!! In honor of the start of October, I thought I would share 10 fun things that we love about fall!! Just a little happy and fun, fall-filled post for your Wednesday morning!! 
I hope you're enjoying a fall drink with sunshine and a cool breeze and these little things brighten your day just a little!! In no particular are just a few fun favorites for your October!! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Happy OCTOBER!!!

Aww Happy Tuesday and HAPPY OCTOBER!!!! This is truly one of my very favorite months, and I can't believe it's already here!!!! 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Frame This Moment - Andy Rolling Over!!

Happy Thursday and Three Months to our little Andy!! I cannot believe it has already been three months and at the same time that it's only been three months since he's been here!! I said on Tuesday in my Three Things post that he was really close to rolling over and that night, he did it!!! We were all cheering him on, and I grabbed my phone at the last minute because I really thought he was about to do it!! Such a fun moment for all of us and definitely one to frame!!! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Three Things - September 2024

Happy Tuesday!!! Today I thought it would be fun to do a little "Three Things" post - just sharing three random and fun things about the four of us!! We are in the midst of a fun and busy week this week - lots on our calendar from our small group starting back up, extra tutoring, family coming through town, the start date to a sweet women's Bible Study I'm joining for the fall, and lots and lots of laundry and packing for our very favorite beach trip with my family next week!! But today, here are just a few random and fun things that's going on these days with these Riddicks!!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Frame This Moment - Date Night Out

Happy Thursday and Frame This Moment Day!! Pierce had a work event on the calendar this week, and my sweet parents came down to watch Jane and Andy for our first dinner out... 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jackson 2024

Happy Tuesday!!! Last weekend, we took a little trip out to Jackson, Wyoming to see Pierce's family over Labor Day. It was such a sweet and trip!! And this past weekend, we snuck in a quick trip to Louisville to enjoy the last few days of my parent's pool. We always say we wish we had family in town, but having family scattered throughout the country definitely keeps us traveling more often, which always makes for special and sweet memories!! Here are a few snapshots from our time out in Wyoming!!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Frame This Moment - Andy's First Flight

Happy Thursday!! We are back from our sweet Labor Day trip, and today's frame this moment just had to be Baby Andy on his first flight... 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Frame This Moment - Titans 5K

Happy Thursday!! And Frame This Moment Day! Today is a fun one from this past weekend!! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Few of Jane's Favorite Activities

Happy Tuesday! Today I thought I'd share a few favorite activities of ours over here lately... 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Frame This Moment - "I'm Watching You, Mommy!"

Happy Thursday!! Today's Frame This Moment is simply a moment in time that felt like a "lightbulb moment" right in the middle of such an average day...  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Life Lately 8.20.24

Happy Tuesday!! I hope everyone had such a wonderful weekend!! We are in an in-between stage over here of still adjusting to family of four life and also getting back into normal rhythms and routines. With school starting back up, tutoring is starting back up for me, our small group is starting to meet again, we have some fun trips and travel back on our calendar and we are counting down till the fall weather and "holidays" on the horizon. ☺️ So today I just have a few snapshots from life lately recently as we soak in the last of summer and this sweet little transition season!! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Frame This Moment - Jane and Andy Reading

Happy Thursday!! Well, one thing I can say about Jane is that she's a really good big sister...and a second would be that she loves to read. And when you combine the two, you have today's post and a few really sweet moments to frame. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Summer Trips to Louisville

Well, this summer has been full of trips to "Nana and Papa's house" in Louisville, and I thought today I would put together a few favorite snapshots from our time up there. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Frame This Moment - Outings with Two

Happy Thursday!! I thought today I would jump back into my Frame This Moment series, which is truly one of my very favorites. Just a snapshot or two from the week that makes me slow down and be thankful for a small moment in time that might otherwise go unnoticed. Life is so sweet, but it moves so fast and sometimes it's hard to zoom out and take it all in. 

This practice has been a gift for me to thank the Lord for so many little things throughout each season. Some seasons are harder than others, but having a heart of gratefulness really does and can change my perspective so much. You can read my very first Frame This Moment post here and find all of them from the past year and half here. Today I just have a little moment that I want to remember from these first few weeks with two!! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Million *More* Moments to Frame

Aww happy Tuesday, friends!!! It's so sweet to be back in this little space, and today I just have a few more moments in time to share that have just made this summer one we will definitely never forget.