Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tidbits About the Riddicks

Happy Tuesday!!! We are waking up in Nashville after our weekend with my family in Kentucky. It was such a fun weekend full of football, family, sunshine, and the US Open. 

I always feel like the month of September is a fun mix of summer and fall - the pool being open and the sunshine makes it feel like summer, but the cooler air in the morning and evening and the way the sunlight hits the glistening leaves makes it feel like the beginning of fall. We are counting down till our favorite month coming up soon though!! 

But today I thought it would be fun to kick off a new series that I wanted to start on here - Tidbits About The Riddicks ☺️

There are so many topics that I thought would be fun to share about on here - random ones, big ones, small ones, seemingly insignificant ones, and some meaningful ones, and I thought this would be a fun way to do it - small glimpses and tidbits about life with the Riddicks. 

For this first one, instead of focusing on one major topic, I thought I would just give some random tidbits for fun to start off the series. ☺️ So, here you go! A few random little bits about the Riddicks!

1. I'm from Louisville, KY and Pierce is from Dallas, TX, but we both call Nashville home now. 
Our first little Christmas season in this sweet city...

2. I majored in Elementary Education, and Pierce majored in Classical Percussion and then got his MBA with a focus in Music Business. 
Loved getting to celebrate all of his hard work when he graduated with MBA after our first year of marriage!

3. I played tennis in high school, and Pierce was on drum line and swam on the swim team. 

We honestly still do all three of these...Pierce doesn't drum in a band, but still loves playing. And we play tennis when we can, and Pierce loves to swim at the Y! 

4. Our favorite place to be is on the water - jetski, sailboat, paddleboard, speed boat, raft...it doesn't really matter - we love it all!!
If only this is how we spent every Tuesday evening!! Haha! 
Sailboats, buggies, and jet-skis, we'll take them all!!! 

5. We dated long distance for almost a year and a half before I moved to Nashville. 
This is how we spent a lot of our "date nights" back in the day πŸ˜‚ Went back in the archives to find this screenshot that I had taken hahaha
And we joke that when Pierce helped me move to Nashville, he simultaneously won my dad's heart by helping me pack up my third story apartment, drive a U-Haul with my car in-tow across the country, then move everything in and out of storage and into my little house in Nashville a few weeks later....I think he knew then he was a keeper πŸ˜‰ 

6. We don't have a TV... Someone challenged us to go the first year of marriage without a TV, and we've honestly just never looked back. (We watch our fair share of sports though on our laptop, don't get me wrong haha) 
Our current TV stand... 
And we've honestly come to love this cozy living room...it's filled with a few movies and football games on our laptop, and that seems perfect to us for this season right now...

7. Pierce used to work at a recording studio and even spent a semester in New York pursuing music.  
I've loved getting to watch him do his thing since we've been married!! 

8. I interned for a home staging company before we got married, and love all things home, design, and decorating. 
Loved this fun little season so much!!! 

9. When we worked at camp, all of the staffers had "Camp Names" that the campers knew us by - mine was Sweet Apple Tea and Pierce's was LegoLand. 
Can you spot us as babies back in 2014?! (With a shaved head courtesy of a camper for Pierce hahaha)
We loved these days!!! 

10. We have big dreams of having a farm one day, the farm for Pierce, the farmhouse for me. πŸ˜‰
But for now, we're walking faithfully where the Lord has us...and that's this cozy little home in Nashville, TN.... 

And there you have it...a few little tidbits about us. As I'm working on this series, please feel free to share a topic if there's one you'd love to know or read about. ☺️ Excited for all that's to come and all the topics to share soon! 

Thanks for stopping by on this Tuesday morning!! 
I'll plan on seeing you back here tomorrow morning!


  1. Love this series, love this graphic, and love these interesting tidbits! So fun!

    1. Aww thanks, Jennifer!!! πŸ₯° Excited to write more soon!! Thanks for always reading and your sweet encouragement!!!

  2. How fun to learn a little more about you both! From a fellow high school tennis player LOL ;)

    1. Hahaha I love it!! Those were the days πŸ˜‰πŸŽΎπŸ˜‚

    2. Looks like you left out your days as a Cross Country runner! Haha

    3. Hahaha you're right...should have added Dad's favorite story hahahaπŸ˜‚


I love hearing from you!! Thanks for following along in this little journey of ours!