Happy Wednesday!! Today I thought it would be fun to do a little Life Lately, which could also be called "Riddicks on Rainy Days." 😂 It's been pretty gray around here, so our life has looked like a lot of baby snuggles, reading, tea, and a little US Open mixed with some house projects...sounds like the life right hahaha
Tomorrow is the 100th POST for the Riddick Family Blog, so I thought it would be fun to do a little Q&A to celebrate all the fun and blessings that this little page has held. I have a few questions you guys have asked, but if there is anything that comes to mind, feel free to leave it in the comments or email me at theriddickfamilyblog@gmail.com, and I'll try to get to it tomorrow!!!
Without further-ado, here is a little look at our life lately...